Average debt maturity increased to 27 months from 11 months between 2002 and 2008.
It hopes to stretch the country's average debt maturity from ten years to 25 years.
Since the effect of treatment claims are recognized, it is the research focus on the bond debt maturity structure.
According to a four-stage risk capital and debt maturity, determines the possible modes of financing and capital costs.
Inflation and expected inflation rates are all positively associated with assets liabilities ratio and debt maturity structure.
The results show that reform of decentralization changes the impact of institutional environments on the debt maturity structure.
The issuance of the Fixed Rate Bonds enables the Group to extend its debt maturity profile and broaden its fixed-income investor base.
The issuance of the fixed Rate Bonds enables the Group to extend its debt maturity profile and to broaden its fixed-income investor base.
How the debt level and the debt maturity impact on corporation's investment decisions, it is an important question of modern corporate finance.
In general, 9.53% of the variance in debt maturity can be explained by industrial classification, and 4.15% of the variance by area dummy variables.
In recent years, scholars at home and abroad have focused on the institutional environment to affect the option of debt maturity structure at home and abroad.
Secondly, debt maturity structure model is constructed under constant interest rate based on expanded model, financial repression theory and debt maturity theory.
The effect on the inner composition of debt maturity structure caused by product market competition is different among companies of different ultimate controller.
This paper documents the determinants of companies 'debt maturity and analyzes external environment of companies 'debt maturity strategic from institutional view.
Meanwhile, the article further explores the relationship between the debt maturity structure and the firm value when companies face different growth opportunities.
Through panel data model, we find that the impacts of real interest rates is negative, inflation volatility has a significant negative impact on debt maturity structure.
This article analyses the influence of debt maturity, distribution structure, seniority structure, and the harmonious collocation of different debt structure on corporate governance.
In this paper, we analyze Questionnaire data and listed company public data with several nonparametric tests and ANOVA to study the influence factor of debt maturity structure decision.
The author puts forward the trade-off idea of debt maturity structure on the consideration that the decision of debt maturity structure is based on the trade-off between benefits and costs of debt.
Extending the maturity of bonds is the next step. In 2007 around 40% of Peru's local-currency debt was short-term (ie, maturing in less than a year).
Would a reprofiling—an extension of the maturity of debt to give the Greeks some breathing-space—qualify?
The hope is that Banks will not only be able to refinance debt on their own but also extend its maturity, cutting their dependence on fickle short-term funding.
The average maturity of its debt is around eight years and its gross funding requirement in 2010 should be lower than this year.
According to Bloomberg, the weighted average maturity of all American public debt is now around five years.
Firms that in the past would have been able to roll over their loans, bonds and debts coming to maturity now face a liquidity crisis that may lead them into costly debt restructuring.
Others are pruning before the markets exert real pressure: Britain's debt has the longest maturity of any EU member but it is still aiming to get its finances in order within four brutal years.
In France and Germany, Banks have been able to issue debt with longer maturity than before the crisis.
Much of that debt carries a maturity of only 60 days, meaning most of the burden will come soon, according to a person familiar with the euro commercial-paper market.
Much of that debt carries a maturity of only 60 days, meaning most of the burden will come soon, according to a person familiar with the euro commercial-paper market.