Most of the options for dealing with the debt overhang are unpalatable.
Yet, despite the tremendous social pain, this approach will make no dent in their large and rising debt overhang.
The only problem now with Hynix is the debt overhang and the ownership structure which we hope will be resolved in 2011.
That period was characterised by a lower debt overhang, inflation was higher, and debt maturities were shorter (under 3 years).
Brazil, one of the first countries to achieve sustained high growth, began to slow down in 1980. The country suffered inflation and debt overhang from the 1973 oil shock.
The US is like Japan in that both economies experienced big asset price and credit bubbles and their bursting left an overhang of debt on private sector balance sheets.
It is, instead, the overhang of household debt combined with paralysis in the housing market.
Pessimists point to Japan's travails as a lesson in how a deflating asset-price bubble and a vast overhang of debt can defeat all that monetary and fiscal policy can throw at it.
The bursting of the housing bubble and the overhang of household debt have left consumer spending depressed and many businesses with more capacity than they need and no reason to add more.
A growing overhang of debt will only make it harder for the market to recover.
That overhang of debt—and the need to refinance so much of it swiftly—is another reason why the outlook for commercial property remains blighted, says Bill Maxted, one of the authors.
Many people worried that the overhang of debt, and the depressed state of the economy, would cause a prolonged period of deflation, as experienced by Japan over the past two decades.
It also needs inflation, to reduce the overhang of domestic debt.
They also hinted that China could do more to support flagging economic growth, although at the expense of adding to the country's huge overhang of corporate debt.
However, as the overhang of excess capacity and debt has disappeared, capital spending is now starting to perk up across Asia.
With such a large overhang of Debt across so many developed countries it's likely that the financial markets regress back some way towards the controls that were commonplace for decades post WWII.
With such a large overhang of Debt across so many developed countries it's likely that the financial markets regress back some way towards the controls that were commonplace for decades post WWII.