More complicated debt securities, including most of today's toxic detritus, as well as derivatives and equities, would be carried at market prices.
Not having seen a debt-market crash since 1998, investors piled into ever riskier securities in 2003-07 to maintain yield at a time of low interest rates.
The exuberant junk-bond era of the 1980s, when high-yielding debt securities fuelled a wave of takeovers, ended with the bankruptcy in 1990 of Drexel Burnham Lambert, which had dominated the market.
Face of the debt exchange market, securities houses and trust companies can be said to have been in the way of competition and cooperation.
In share market terms, equities is a synonym for shares and represent part-ownership of a company, as distinct from debt securities such as bonds and debentures.
Although most securities are marked-to-market, this new GAAP still allows securities (in particular, debt securities) to be carried at historical cost.
Although most securities are marked-to-market, this new GAAP still allows securities (in particular, debt securities) to be carried at historical cost.