They also swell payment flows of debt service and financial fees.
Today, debt service absorbs half of Nevada's budget, and 40% of Michigan's.
The Debt Services team USES DSS on a daily basis to service Bonds and other Debt.
A bank will look at the borrower's income relative to the proposed debt service payments.
And these high interest rates, by raising the burden of debt service, make default more likely.
Once hefty principal payments are added in, debt service takes up 21% of disposable income.
Ratio of Annual Debt Service to original principal of the loan. Also known as a mortgage constant.
Cash flow on real estate is pretty much discretionary, at least after the minimum debt service charges are paid off.
He wants rich countries to pay debt service that poor countries owe the world bank and other development Banks.
Obviously, that makes extra debt service more burdensome — and also makes both bondholders and taxpayers more reluctant.
This is reflected in the capital backing we have received from shareholders in meeting their debt service obligations to IBRD.
The creditors--TIAA-CREF and Prudential among them--hit Allen up for a 9% interest rate, which meant $14 million in annual debt service.
Corporate bonds are issued in accordance with legal procedures enterprises, agreed in a certain period of time of the bond debt service.
Fair value is that in sound trade, the parties who are familiar with the situation get payments by exchanging of assets or debt service voluntarily.
Ideally, new home buyers should create a budget and calculate their debt service ratios. However, here is a rule of thumb that some choose to follow.
Lever effect should enlarge both the lever effect of finance in debt and financial risks, and correspondingly dividend and debt service policies vary with debts.
For example, consumer debt service (repayment of principal and interest) is less than 12 percent of disposable income, down from almost 14 percent in 2007, reports the Fed.
Economists at Goldman Sachs reckon that consumers' real discretionary cashflow-their income plus any new credit minus debt service and spending on essentials-has been shrinking since late last year.
高盛(Goldman Sachs)的经济学家认为,消费者的真实自由支配现金流——收入加上所有新获信贷减去旧债还本付息和必需品支出——自从去年年末就开始下降了。
At some point the debt will be called in, and all those service—the things which the planet does for us for free—will grind to a halt.
The hardest part of this process is learning to change your organization's culture so that you don't accumulate more debt than you can reasonably service.
Just as with design debt's real-life financial analogy, there is an ongoing cost to service design debt, because of the impact on code maintainability.
Everyone is trying to devalue their currencies because that makes the debt easier to service and that primes the pump on price.
But these demographic shifts set the boundaries for rich countries' medium-term future, including their ability to service their public debt.
It also sells pirated DVDs, smuggles people to the United States, and runs a debt-collecting service (it kidnaps defaulters, reportedly charging 7% of the settlement).
It also sells pirated DVDs, smuggles people to the United States, and runs a debt-collecting service (it kidnaps defaulters, reportedly charging 7% of the settlement).