The development and Industrial application of FX-C desulfurizing and decarbonizing solvent is described.
This article briefly analyzes the reason for level fluctuation of decarbonizing liquid, in addition it puts forward some measures.
The RH oxygen top-blowing technology performs multi-functions such as decarbonizing, increasing temperature with Al added, cleaning slag in RH vacuum slot, etc.
The half deficient liquid centrifugal pump in a decarbonizing system suffered from serious corrosion and did not work normally after operating only for about one year.
Even more impressive was the price tag: somewhere between a few hundred million dollars and a couple of billion dollars a year, compared with the unknowable cost of decarbonizing the entire world.
Even more impressive was the price tag: somewhere between a few hundred million dollars and a couple of billion dollars a year, compared with the unknowable cost of decarbonizing the entire world.