Then she'll say five times $60 is $300 and a decent apartment is $800 a month.
For example, we've solved the problem of publishing and we have decent a solution for finding content.
If there'd been a halfway decent house for rent on this island, I would have taken it. But it was no dice.
Millennials were told that if you did well in school, got a decent degree, you would be set up for life.
Both were a direct response to the needs of Chicanos in the United States, who were fighting for the right to sufficient education, political empowerment, and decent working conditions.
Graduating doesn't even provide any guarantee of a decent job: six in ten graduates today are in non-graduate jobs.
I personally regret this development, but the basic bachelor's education now has to cater to people who really need a piece of paper to find a decent job.
I hope that I can get a decent job with a good salary after I graduate from college.
"I think it would civilize people a bit more if they had decent conditions."—"I think you've hit the nail on the head."
There is a need for more resources so that all children may have a decent education.
There's only enough of them to fill a decent-sized dining room, but they call themselves the "town meeting."
After all, where else can you leave school with a decent degree—but without a lifetime of debt?
Still, the track coach had offered me a walk-on spot, and I actually found the urban Atlanta campus a decent consolation prize after New York City.
If you are looking for something priced in the middle, I would say anything between $30 and $60 would make a decent gift.
Some believe that decent pay is a major concern in career choosing while others insist that interest and talents should be put first.
For now it appears the US economy is creating jobs at a decent pace.
And by then people were just happy to have a decent quantity of food in their kitchens.
A productive morning rewarded with a decent lunch, and then at about 3 p.m., there comes the irresistible sleepiness.
There are hundreds of books written about crafting a decent headline.
At the same time, he was a humane, gentle, decent man, a loving husband and father, and a loyal friend.
Most people who have secured a decent, secure, full-time job have enjoyed a dose of luck in doing so.
A rare survivor of the deadly "flux", Margaret teams up with Franklin, a decent, gangling emigrant from a western state, and heads for the Atlantic.
玛格·丽特- - - - -一场可怕涨潮下的罕见存活者与弗兰克林- - - - -一个外表体面,身材瘦长的西方移民结伴上了路,向大西洋方向行进。
But it's a decent idea if it's part of a comprehensive, diversified savings plan.
He comes from a decent family; he holds a professorship at the University.
To be a hit on the farm, any new varieties will have to have decent yields: a hypothetical cancer risk pales in comparison with an empty stomach.
A decent wobble, though, requires a massive planet, so the wobble method does not favour the discovery of smaller, Earth-sized objects.
These people have difficulties finding decent jobs and making a decent life—and they often end up involved in doing things they never imagined.
It does not exist where children can't aspire to a decent education or a job that supports a family.
It does not exist where children can't aspire to a decent education or a job that supports a family.