Some believe that decent pay is a major concern in career choosing while others insist that interest and talents should be put first.
If your job performance has met or even exceeded expectations, you can expect a decent pay increase, just like last year, right?
Workers are workers, no matter where they come from, and they should all be treated with dignity and respect, and at the very least get decent pay for decent work.
In Chinese people's eyes, a monthly salary of 1000 U. s. dollars is a decent pay. But Gong still chooses to live in an illegal apartment above a department store with his two friends.
"If you employ a cleaner for five to six hours a week, pay a decent wage and pay national insurance, there are consequences," one said.
The couple soon spent all their savings as he could not find another job with a salary decent enough to pay for baby milk and diapers.
For a decent king size, you’ll spend anywhere from $1,200 to $4,000, depending on what you are willing to pay for.
The hope is that they will barely notice the difference in take-home pay but that a higher contribution rate (perhaps 10-15% in total) will in due course allow them to earn a decent pension.
人们希望工人们几乎不能发现到手收入的差别,而是发现这个更高贡献率(总共大约有10- 15%)能及时的让他们得到一份体面的退休金。
W: But your company is huge. Can't they afford to pay the staff decent wages.
It's tough to pay that amount of debt down, live in a decent city and still be able to socialize and do fun things.
Can't they afford to pay the staff decent wages. M: But we have a policy of paying according to seniority in the company, so new employees get quite low salary, no matter how excellent they have done.
Having a good degree, a bit of time at a decent employer, interview skills and a willingness to take a pay cut all count for something.
Having a good degree, a bit of time at a decent employer, interview skills and a willingness to take a pay cut all count for something.
Belinda: But your company is huge. Can't they afford to pay the staff decent wages?
To get a decent apartment these days in New York you have to pay an arm and a leg.
But she'll have bills to pay. It's going to be hard for her to sustain a decent lifestyle on what an artist makes.
And we have two fairly decent incomes, but I worry how I'm going to pay the rising car insurance and food.
That means paying for good managers to clean up these firms: the boss of RBS, though pilloried for his pay packet, is making a decent fist of things.
That means paying for good managers to clean up these firms: the boss of RBS, though pilloried for his pay packet, is making a decent fist of things.