The Convention Concerning Decent Work for Domestic Workers has been three years in the making.
It also focuses our attention on the promotion of women's equal access to full employment and decent work.
Finally, decent work provides social security and is carried out in conditions of freedom and human dignity.
Decent work is the work of health and safety, the work of dignity, the work of rights, and the work of self-realization.
A second was that there should be a "kitemark" award for schemes with a proper induction process, decent work and proper feedback on performance.
College education used to be considered as a guarantee for good income, a decent work place and a passport to big cities like Beijing and Shanghai.
This year's observance of the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty focuses on decent work, meaningful employment, income-generating livelihoods.
Workers are workers, no matter where they come from, and they should all be treated with dignity and respect, and at the very least get decent pay for decent work.
Social protection is a basic component of decent work. The objective of most social protection schemes is to provide access to health care and income security.
In a relaxed mood Hui wrote natural state, Eer, it is the decent work Qingli We are seeing in the landscape paintings infancy, this new faces once dominated the art world.
The theme this year, "Equal access to education, training and science and technology: Pathway to decent work for women", focuses on some basic determinants of women's health.
Decent work and dignity of life are the moral unity of cognition and moral emotion, moral unity of will and moral behavior and moral unity of personality and moral responsibility.
Decent and productive work is one of the most effective ways to fight poverty and build self-sufficiency.
Without this there is a real risk young people could be forced into a cycle of unpaid internships and work experience, which are no substitute for real jobs paying a decent wage.
Ensuring that you have a decent life insurance policy either through work or privately is a must when kids are involved.
She is on call to work three times a week for a former client, in return for which she earns a decent retainer fee, school tuition for her grandson, and the flexibility to take on other clients.
That has the potential to create a “ ‘lost generation’ comprised of young people who have dropped out of the labor market, having lost all hope of being able to work for a decent living.
This actually seems like a decent DIY project — it probably wouldn’t take much work to sync a paper shredder to your alarm clock.
This actually seems like a decent DIY project - it probably wouldn't take much work to sync a paper shredder to your alarm clock.
And the foundation is increasingly focusing on how to ensure that poor people who enjoy better health also have the income and work necessary for a decent life.
One year later, reconstruction work has achieved little progress, while people, since the earthquake, have always been living in tents without decent life they deserve.
That has the potential to create a “ ‘lost generation’ comprised of young people who have dropped out of the labor market, having lost all hope of being able to work for a decent living.”
OpenOffice gets some decent templates, and the template authors get to show off their work.
We want all of this to work reliably and with decent performance in a P8 environment that has multiple threads, multiple processors, multiple servers, multiple tiers, and multiple users.
The poll showed that 43 percent of people ages 13 to 64 felt they rarely or never got a decent night's sleep during the work week.
The latter scenario would require some therapeutic healing work, so start by reassuring your girlfriend about how you feel about her, then respectfully suggest she seeks some decent counselling.
The latter scenario would require some therapeutic healing work, so start by reassuring your girlfriend about how you feel about her, then respectfully suggest she seeks some decent counselling.