Mondrian's works are deceptively simple, but eye-tracking studies confirm that they are meticulously composed, and that simply rotating a piece radically changes the way we view it.
This API seems deceptively simple to novice developers.
This task proved deceptively easy in the dire emergency of 1933.
See "eXtreme programming: deceptively simple innovation" for information on XP.
请参阅“eXtremeprogramming:deceptively simple in novation”以获取关于XP的信息。
Though the tape was deceptively edited, the fallout cost NPR's president her job.
Sylvia Plath's only novel is a deceptively modest, uncommonly fine piece of work...
虚伪而谦虚的说,这部西尔维娅·普拉斯唯一的小说是一部非同寻常的优秀作品. .。
This deceptively minimalist predator-prey game triggers some remarkably intense feelings.
See the article eXtreme programming: deceptively simple innovation for information about XP.
虚假的简单革新,了解关于XP 的信息。
The remote viewers used a deceptively simple method based on what is known as the Ganzfeld technique.
But as it happened, ice cover in 2008 and 2009 rebounded significantly - but perhaps deceptively so.
The destruction here was produced by this deceptively lazy stream - which was itself created by the typhoon.
SIEBEN LINDEN, a Hamlet in former East Germany, half-way between Hamburg and Berlin, looks deceptively normal.
Sieben Linden是前东德一个小村庄,坐落于汉堡和柏林之间,表面看来不过是个普通的村庄。
This deceptively simple empathic interaction which we have been discussing has many and profound consequences.
Like most of his poems, Frost is so very good at using deceptively simple words and images to convey his parables.
This deceptively simple experiment examines the effect of two vital aspects of bargaining: threat and communication.
It also shows Jane Austen's skill at dealing with complex emotions and timeless themes in her deceptively simple stories.
The idea was of its time, arriving at the end of the dotcom boom. And like all good ideas, it was deceptively simple.
Interpersonal relationships are deceptively complicated, but the truth is that most people regard it to be complicated.
Problem solving is a deceptively simple process that enables you to come up with creative solutions for managing your stress.
The book emphasizes how deceptively effortless Mr. Jobs’s ideas now seem because of their extreme intuitiveness and foresight.
"Despite the scale and the unconventional shape, the building with its clean and clear lines is deceptively simple," they added.
Then it moved on, patrolling the water's edge for salmon with that deceptively easy lope that disguises the species' immense strength.
With a deceptively light touch, Tyler creates a stunningly realistic, and ultimately optimistic, portrait of marriage. Hadley freeman.
Then his voice grew serious, the way a coach might caution his team about the impending face-off with a deceptively courteous opponent.
The Apple Watch's biggest advantage in China is deceptively simple: Few Chinese consumers laugh when Apple touts the device as a luxury item.
"By advertising that Happy Meals include toys, McDonald's unfairly and deceptively markets directly to children," the CSPI writes in the letter.
The action of cycling generated a deceptively cooling breeze and it was not until we stopped at 6pm that we realised how dazed and drained we were.
The action of cycling generated a deceptively cooling breeze and it was not until we stopped at 6pm that we realised how dazed and drained we were.