No sooner did he decide to do something than he began work on it. He didn't bother to notify his superiors.
Mother'sDay is coming. I decide to do something special for my mum. Thanks all mothers in the world. Happy Mother's Day.
Mother?s Day is coming. I decide to do something special for my mum. Thanks all mothers in the world. Happy Mother?s Day.
Mother rs Day is coming. I decide to do something special for my mum. Thanks all mothers in the world. Happy mothers Day.
Mother's Day is coming. I decide to do something special for my mum. Thanks all mothers in the world. Happy Mother's Day.
If the scales are tipped, an otherwise honest person might decide to do something against the other person (or company or country) to "even the score."
You cannot decide to stop feeding your newborn baby because it takes away time to do something else.
You have a list if things you know you should do but instead you decide to check facebook, read a newspaper or do something else that is unrelated to the task at hand.
你知道你有一堆应该要干的活儿,但你就是不做。 你决定逛逛人人刷刷微博,读张报纸或是干点与手头任务毫不相干的事儿。
If you decide to override an operator to do something unusual, be sure to clearly document your efforts.
Clarissa is rapidly approaching that day when she has to decide whether she wants to go back to work -- or find something else to do with her time.
Once you get your holiday job, decide if it is something you would want to do for a longer period of time.
But this doesn't help you decide: do you eat more chocolate because you're trying to treat your depression or do you eat more chocolate because something about being depressed makes you eat chocolate?
If I wanted to use print as a variable name, how do I get the system to decide gee, do I want print as a value for something, or do I want print as a command?
Every time you decide to do one thing, you wonder whether you really ought to be doing something else instead.
While for me, I want to do something different, as I live in school and can't go back home on Mother's Day, I decide to make a call to her, sending her my warmest wishes.
Susan: How do you expect me to decide something like this in a few hours? This is ridiculous!
That being said, when you do decide to purchase something, you'll learn to appreciate quality items.
Procrastination is writing lists. It's not being able to decide what way to do something. It's over-complicating things yourself.
Why did you decide you wanted to go outside of Kojima Productions and do something else?
Maybe you have offspring or other family willing to step in, if and when you decide to go do something else.
We can decide to look for comedy or beauty in our surroundings, or we can choose to do something silly or outlandish on our lunch break just to see what will happen.
"Let us have something to eat first," said Jobic, "and we will decide what to do afterwards."
After the first 4-5 paragraphs, you will get the concept and decide if it is something you want to do or not.
后的第一个4 - 5段落,你会得到的概念,决定它是否是你想做的事,或不。
So if something is by default public, how do you decide when you're doing to point at it in a way that's responsible?
We can see how much tougher our kids become; how much more prepared to benefit from university or to decide positively that they are going to do something other than a degree.
We can see how much tougher our kids become; how much more prepared to benefit from university or to decide positively that they are going to do something other than a degree.