Simplifying trees is the key part of decision tree induction learning.
Based on the above analysis, a new algorithm of decision tree induction is proposed.
With the thorough analysis on the algorithm of decision tree induction, we established a classification and prediction system based on C4.5 and accomplished the integration with the LMIS system.
The new algorithm combines the merit of decision tree induction method and naive Bayesian method. It retains the good interpretability of decision tree and has good incremental learning ability.
Induction learning of decision tree based on ID3 algorithm is an important branch of inductive learning now, which can be used to automatic acquisition of knowledge.
基于ID 3算法的决策树归纳学习是归纳学习的一个重要分支,可用于知识的自动获取过程。
Decision tree is an important method in induction learning as well as in data mining, which can be used to form classification and predictive model.
Decision tree is an important method in induction learning as well as in data mining, which can be used to form classification and predictive model.