Through some adroit lawyering, Faal turned that mistake to a decisive advantage.
That gives Australia a decisive advantage.
Hence prolonged EMP strikes can potentially leave you with a decisive advantage.
Apple actually USES its cash hoard in a very interesting way to maintain a decisive advantage over its rivals.
Historical legacy sometimes explains why a certain geography commands a decisive advantage in a specific field.
This would appear to give them a decisive advantage over Western Banks that rely on fickle borrowing markets to do business.
This is a decisive advantage over the compounds disclosed in the prior art which have been described as non-crystalline materials.
The United left-back helped his countrymen to win 1-0 in Dublin on Saturday night, thereby gaining what many observers feel is a decisive advantage for Wednesday's second leg at the Stade de France.
Barack Obama and John McCain were fighting to achieve a decisive advantage today on the Wall Street meltdown, a critical campaign moment that could determine the outcome of the White House election.
Knowledge is both ownership (by the knowledge worker) and power, a decisive source of competitive advantage.
The advantage of this is that they can make decisive and effective executives - up to a point.
Driven by the ability to find, retain and analyse information, resulting from the worldwide growth of technology and the Internet, new and decisive sources of competitive advantage have emerged.
China's big advantage is that it has seen in Japan's experience that countries which postpone decisive action end up suffering even more.
This means that Ms Rousseff will get more than ten minutes, three times a week; Mr Serra must manage with just over seven minutes. That advantage could end up being the decisive one.
The theory of competition defines that education and training is the decisive factor for a country to gain the advantage of competition.
Leadership is the decisive factor of enterprise to keep competing advantage.
The dynamic comparative advantage theory is mainly about the long-term change tendency of the comparative advantage and the decisive factors which cause the change of the comparative advantage.
The dynamic comparative advantage theory is mainly about the long-term change tendency of the comparative advantage and the decisive factors which cause the change of the comparative advantage.