Contact the people on your list and see if they are willing to be a mentor, find out how much time they can dedicate to you.
If you were born to do it and truly dedicate yourself to the end result, anything, including walking on water, is entirely possible!
Then, when someone asks you to dedicate some of your time to a new commitment, you’ll know that you simply cannot do it.
Dedicate your job to him and pray about applying the seven keys to SUCCEED every day so you can be a witness for God and receive his blessing.
A man with a heart will spend time with you, because he knows that time is a sign of value. What people value they dedicate time to.
Then you have to dedicate development resources to write, test, and deploy the code that maps between the mainframe formats and the XML interface.
If you truly dedicate yourself to an end result, almost anything is possible. You just have to want it bad enough.
At some point you decided those topics were important enough to dedicate web real estate to them, so why not recycle your content and turn them into blog posts?
Try using "manager's kanban" and dedicate yourself to solving X problem, let the team choose, they need to respect the cap and let them see that you are solving problems of their choice.
You cannot dedicate processing resources to single partitions.
Over these years, one conclusion has become increasingly clear: the more hard focus you dedicate to a technical subject - be it computer science, chemistry, or physics - the better you get.
The catch about online universities is that you have to dedicate yourself to attend these online classes regularly.
Once you found your passion, you can then decide if it is viable to quit your job and switch to where your inclination lies and dedicate yourself in that career.
If your story is based on true events or true people, you will need to dedicate some time to researching the facts of the story.
Out of these three options, the first two can be used to seamlessly secure the data, but you have to dedicate a partition for this setup.
Or maybe you’re dead-set on finishing a novel, so you dedicate three of your coffee breaks at work each week to scribbling a few passages into a notebook.
It's also true that owning a pet isn't for everyone, especially if you have severe allergies or don't have the time to dedicate to a furry, feathered or scaly roommate.
If you don't plan time for exercise and dedicate yourself to it, it's hard to stay motivated.
Even if you plan to put out feelers for other jobs, dedicate yourself to vanquishing your abuser, not being a victim.
Simply dedicate a small chunk of time to basic idea generation: ten minutes, twenty, thirty, it’s up to you.
Of course, you are still able to dedicate I/O devices to an AIX partition if you need to for performance reasons.
当然,如果出于性能的需要,您仍然能够将I/O设备专用于某个 AIX分区。
While two (or more) cells do not require separate hardware -- you can employ coexistence to run multiple cells on the same hardware -- it is better to dedicate hardware to each cell.
有两个(或更多个)单元时无需单独的硬件 —您可以借助共存 功能在同一硬件上运行多个单元 —这可以更好地将硬件充分用于每一个单元。
First of all I love this job, I will dedicate my life to it, I will keep working until you do not need me.
Dedicate yourself to completing 3 simple steps everyday that bring you closer to your goal.
God will never ask you to dedicate your life to a task you have no talent for.
You don’t have to dedicate 90% of your day to serving others –that’s not what I’m saying.
Make sure you dedicate your next 7 days to following this to the letter and you'll see that the results will make you WANT to change those habits forever.
To help you understand these concepts, we decided to dedicate a separate article to each functional part.
Whatever time you dedicate each day for Twitter - whether its hours or minutes a day - there's a tool available to help you better manage activities.
无论您每天花多少时间打理t witter-无论是它几小时或几分钟-有一个工具,可以帮助您更好地管理动态。
Whatever time you dedicate each day for Twitter - whether its hours or minutes a day - there's a tool available to help you better manage activities.
无论您每天花多少时间打理t witter-无论是它几小时或几分钟-有一个工具,可以帮助您更好地管理动态。