Repositories hosted on dedicated servers.
Changed: : Small audio performance update - mostly for dedicated servers.
A network topology with no dedicated servers or hierarchy among computers.
Domain name services, Hosting, Dedicated servers, Co-location, Web Designs.
Our solution is faster than our competitors who have dedicated servers in the stores.
Physical server: Each tenant requires dedicated servers, disk space and ancillary equipment.
Sounds on dedicated servers seem to stop playing after extended periods of time. Resetting the server fixes this.
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Which of the following is not a component of Oracle server's Shared memory allocation when dedicated servers are being used?
There are two similar solutions quite common too in the web hosting industry: virtual dedicated servers and co-location web hosting.
To take advantage of HADR, you must have two dedicated servers available: one for the primary database and one for the standby database.
要想使用 HADR,必须有两个专用的服务器:一个用于运行主数据库,一个用于备用数据库。
This is the recommendation I tend to take the most heat on because I always specify dedicated servers for the repositories, even for a relatively small cluster.
Unfortunately, dedicated servers and virtual private servers tend to be quite expensive and, as a result, these are not viable options for deployment for everyone.
In this approach, you migrate all Version 3.5 or 4.0 applications to a cluster of dedicated servers, which will free up hardware for a clean install of WebSphere application server V5.
The one recommendation that requires funding is to host repositories on dedicated servers and I'm often challenged on that point, especially when the cluster consists of a small handful of nodes.
However, this topology can be the most expensive, because it forces the provider to manage a dedicated set of servers for the subscriber.
If possible, have servers dedicated for database use only.
To execute automated testing on dedicated machines also requires application servers.
If for some reason the company's servers aren't exchanging much data, the bandwidth of the dedicated wavelength is being wasted.
Typically you'll have servers dedicated to a single or a few of these services, hence you'll want to ensure that you only allow traffic for the services you provide.
For example in today's environment, if you are running Lotus Domino on dedicated hardware and one of your servers runs out of resources, what must you do?
You can choose from dedicated virtual machine (VM) software that requires no base operating system, and you can run several servers at once.
您可以从不需要基础操作系统的专用虚拟机(virtual machine,VM)软件中做出选择,并且可以一次运行多个服务器。
ThinLinux — a minimized Linux distribution for dedicated camera servers, X-10 controllers, MP3 players, and other such embedded applications.
ThinLinux—面向专用的照相机服务器、x - 10控制器、MP3播放器和其它类似的嵌入式应用的最小化的Linux分发版。
For environments that use Web servers, the Web server instances should be placed on dedicated systems separate from the WebSphere Application server instances.
There are various levels of support, from the highest levels of 24x7x365 coverage with dedicated personnel down to casual 8:00 am to 5:00 PM support for non-critical servers.
The first servers lived in my basement, connected by a dedicated 56 Kbps line to a much smaller Internet.
One of the mitigations is that LAMP application servers are generally dedicated to a particular function, and users can't create the potentially dangerous symbolic links.
A dedicated support team in the data centre plans and implements disaster recovery and maintenance activities for servers in case of events such as earthquakes, floods, and power failures.
In contrast, 82 percent of Hewlett-Packard's 2010 semiconductor spending was dedicated to computer products like desktops, notebooks and servers.
In contrast, 82 percent of Hewlett-Packard's 2010 semiconductor spending was dedicated to computer products like desktops, notebooks and servers.