He bowed to lady Ingram, as deeming her the eldest lady present.
I accorded it, deeming that I did well in showing pliability on the point.
Damn I never knew I had such sensitive facet, always deeming my own image as cold blooded.
But you who are strong and swift, see that you do not limp before the lame, deeming it kindness.
However, it is so changeable that there are few people deeming the first love as their last one.
Some people prepared to spend the night in their cars, deeming them safer than houses or apartments.
But Nian and some 400 other dwellers have refused to move, deeming the relocation payment inadequate.
Deeming their mandate to be from God, popes believe it can only be taken away by the Almighty at death.
The world press coincides in deeming the red card Pepe saw against Barcelona as unfair and decisive in the outcome of the game.
I feel as this is the only show that most families today can relate to and keeps us from deeming our own family in a negative way.
Some parleying was audible in the hall, and soon the new-comer entered. He bowed to lady Ingram, as deeming her the eldest lady present.
In this way the computer gradually learns which images the brain is deeming interesting, and is eventually able to identify them by itself.
DEEMING Sunday the best day for taking Mr Wemmick's Walworth sentiments, I devoted the next ensuing Sunday afternoon to a pilgrimage to the Castle.
The U.K. Advertising Standards Authority banned two iPhone 3G advertisements, deeming them misleading for exaggerating the speeds and internet capabilities of the handset.
A players tee shot comes to rest in a bunker in front of the putting green. He lifts the ball after deeming it unplayable and announces his intention to proceed under Rule 28a.
一名球员发的球停在了果岭前面的沙坑,他在认定球不可打之后捡起球,并宣布他想按照规则28 a来处理。
However, not deeming it safe to venture out again, I sat down on the sill of my mother's door to read the dog-eared Ramayana, with a marbled paper cover, which belonged to her old aunt.
The paper challenges the former classification of Chinese folk dances cultural types, deeming it logically unsound to divide them into five major cultural types and six dancing cultural zones.
This paper introduces the study on coordinating use of domestic refractories in large float glass furnaces, deeming that the rational disposition of refractories is an important but complex job.
Thee Customs may, when deeming it necessary, set up agencies or station supervisory groups in the new and high technology industries development zones to supervise and control the imports and exports.
Thee Customs may, when deeming it necessary, set up agencies or station supervisory groups in the new and high technology industries development zones to supervise and control the imports and exports.