The structure and texture of continuous or batch annealing deep drawing and extra-deep drawing steel sheets were observed and analyzed.
To obtain extra wide steel sheet for automobile use experiments were conducted on laser welding of deep drawing steel sheet.
This paper describes the production condition of cold rolled deep drawing quality steel (IF steel) by thin slab continuous casting and rolling technique in Bengang.
It is analyzed the controlling-sulfur technique in smelting of SPHD deep drawing steel.
One of the valid method to reduce the vertical breaking in deep-drawing of 18-8stainless steel is to adopt a die clearance which is less than the plate thickness.
防止18 - 8型不锈钢技深件纵向开裂的有效措施之一是在拉深时采用小于板料厚度的凸凹模间隙。
The invention relates to an overall deep drawing technology of a scroll casing of a blower, including the following steps: a steel plate for deep drawing is cut into sheets with a required size;
本发明一种风机蜗壳整体拉深工艺,包括以下步骤:将拉深钢板剪成所需 的尺寸片料;
This paper introduces the technical process of converter continuous casting of deep drawing steel and its development of products.
The relationship of deep-drawing property and rolling parameters of IF steel was researched by the testing of ferritic rolling and annealing.
After being rolled in ferrite area, the IF steel was proceeded once and twice cold rolling, then its deep drawing property was studied.
The relationship of deep-drawing property and rolling parameters of IF steel was researched by the testing of ferritic rolling and annealing.
This paper studied the new method of deep drawing of cold rolling steel-metal part and the die structure. And it also proposed the strength calculation method of main die component.
This paper studied the new method of deep drawing of cold rolling steel-metal part and the die structure. And it also proposed the strength calculation method of main die component.