This paper makes a deep analysis of the engineering supervision.
This paper presents a deep analysis to some modulation issues in fiber optic CATV system.
文章就光纤CAT V调制方面的若干问题,进行了深入的分析。
Be sure to read Dive into HTML5 for deep analysis and practical code samples for HTML5 developers.
The essay constructs a deep analysis, puts forward new thesis and corresponding countermeasures.
With real mixtures' experiments, we make a deep analysis of the effectiveness of the two reconstruction method.
The deep analysis of typicalness of A Q will not stop for ever. This is where it has an endless artistic charm.
Through the deep analysis on the intension of space, the family, base, subspace and reflection were illustrated.
We should make deep analysis on the causes of these problems and puts forward relevant solving ideas and methods.
This dissertation brings forward digital multifunctional laser machining system based on deep analysis and investigation.
"The General Theory" is a work of profound, deep analysis — analysis that persuaded the best young economists of the day.
This paper makes a deep analysis of the realistic background and theoretical foundation of the emergence of digital archives.
First, a mathematic model of adjustable reactors based on the magnetic flux control is established and a deep analysis is made.
The second reason is that study basis, Study significance, applying process, study target and study status lacked deep analysis.
By deep analysis of the worms, the proportional relation between the propagation speed of worms and the scale of network is found.
Based on the deep analysis of the principle of parametric polynomial method, shape eigenfunction method is presented in this paper.
Then, it gave a deep analysis on the manifestation, results and the specific reasons of the auditing control's quality's weakening.
This is great for collecting statistics that you can then drop into another program to do deep analysis on, generate reports on, and so on.
For this reason, based on the deep analysis of traffic demand, a fuzzy theory based multi-strategy fuzzy control algorithm is proposed.
To have a deep analysis and research on the factors which effect building brand loyalty of these switchers is a way to solve the problem.
The paper draws a deep analysis of match-sample on the function and doubtful points and supply some constructive advices in the sample design.
The paper makes a deep analysis on patent risk of LED lighting industry in China through tracing and analysis some specific patents information.
The deep analysis and discussion were made about performance rule of this turbine. The designing methods of the control parameters were presented.
However, the author tries to disclose the influence given by male discourse power through the deep analysis of his female images and social background.
Through deep analysis, we also got direct expression of calculation formula for each general tensor impedance element, showing a clear physical meaning.
In the other questions such as "historical explanation" and "judgment in history", a deep analysis in details also have been offered in this dissertation.
In this paper, a deep analysis was made from five angles on the design of China's social security tax system based on the traditional four-principle rule.
This paper discusses the relation between two phenomena, divides them into two different categories and gives deep analysis of related language phenomena.
With the deep analysis on the features and managing requirement of soil moisture sensor network node, an Object-Oriented management technology is proposed.
Principally depending on word collocation information, its deep analysis module combines syntactic analysis and semantic analysis to determine sentence structure.
According to the idea mentioned above, this paper makes a deep analysis on the technology of intrusion detection and the intrusion detection based on system calls.