Mr. Reeder looked at the sea, and saw a baby's buggy in the deep freezing cold water.
The invention relates to a leavened dough composition of a bun-type dough that withstands deep freezing.
Aluminum foil containers are also widely used to hold cakes, to heat cakes, to barbecue in the suburbs and deep freezing.
Coating and deep freezing are favourite new technology for tool surface strengthening and freezing treatment in the world.
The finished products obtained after deep freezing the dough have improved characteristics compared to those of products prepared using traditional recipes.
The glycogen of animal tissues, especially liver is rapidly depolymerized to D-glucose after slaughter, and immediate deep freezing is required to preserve the glycogen.
动物组织(尤其是肝脏)中的糖原在宰后会迅速解聚成d -葡萄糖,所以,要保存糖原,就得立即进行深度冷冻。
Combining to the freezing and digging engineering in main shaft of Guqiao mine, the paper studied some problems for safety and fast construction in deep freezing alluvium.
But one man has braved the freezing elements to capture the beautiful monsters of the deep who display a surprising variety of colourful speices..
Even in freezing Nanshan, snow is manufactured from Wells deep underground.
The region is believed to hold up to 25 billion boe, or almost a fifth of remaining total reserves, but they lie in freezing waters more than 600 metres deep.
If the area is on high ground, the soil is soft enough for them to dig deep enough to avoid freezing, and is an area that stays damp, then a healthy turtle can be hibernated outside.
These data may chisel the well project for the deep alluvium freezing process the design to provide the reference.
It explored a deep processing of whitebait from the traditional freezing techniques.
Water gushes from Charon 's deep interior, spewing forth in icy volcanoes, the "lava" freezing instantly into tiny ice crystals and snowing down to the moon's surface.
The prevention of freezing pipe breaks in deep shaft freezing has become a key technique in mine construction in China.
Due to its convenience and economical efficiency, the high-strength concrete shaft lining has been widely used in deep shaft sinking by freezing method.
The security of freezing wall is the key problem of freezing shaft sinking in deep alluvium.
This article makes an introduction of mechanical freezing process, by which economic returns have been obtained in the construction of a deep foundation pit.
The monitor result indicated the ground freezing and pile-support method is viable for deep foundation pit, and the experience was backlog for construction of similar engineering aftertime.
These delicate little plants (not water lilies, or lotuses) grow in seasonal wetlands and are harvested by wading, waist deep into the freezing water, of course they only grow in winter.
Customers have confidence in Bock compressor technology in domains ranging from deep-freezing to normal refrigeration and air conditioning for buildings.
Customers have confidence in Bock compressor technology in domains ranging from deep-freezing to normal refrigeration and air conditioning for buildings.