Earth is stratified now with 24 planes, and those who exist in deep slumber of non-awakening are in the lowest tier of all.
If you exercise early in the day, you will be naturally tired by bed-time and will have no problem falling into a deep slumber.
I wake from a deep slumber to look at her. A pale light is trickling in. I look at her beautiful wild hair. I feel something crawling down my neck.
Just woken from a deep slumber, Laharl did not even know of his father's death, and had to join in the battle for the throne with his numerous subordinates.
When they were all deep in slumber, the Dagda took his magic harp, and he and his golden-haired warriors stole softly away, and came in safety to their own homes again.
When they were all deep in slumber, the Dagda took his magic harp, and he and his golden-haired warriors stole softly away, and came in safety to their own homes again.