This gap is part of a deepening divide between the well-educated well-off and the unskilled poor.
In places, the water table is declining at a rate of a meter a year, necessitating the periodic deepening of wells and the use of ever-more-powerful pumps.
Asking juicy questions appears to be a transferable skill for deepening collaborative inquiry into the science content found in exhibits.
The visit will provide a further impetus to diversification and deepening of bilateral relations.
As fears of a deepening global recession are pushed aside by expectations of recovery, investors have rediscovered their appetite for risk in places ranging from Brazil and China to Russia.
The workshops have been a great tool for deepening the expertise of many of our lead consultants and lead architects of our clients.
Shifting demands on Mr Tanaka's time are part of a historic broadening and deepening of the economic relationship between East Asia's pre-eminent powers.
The final segment is a roundtable discussion focusing on ways in which "this deepening national health emergency" can be addressed.
Over the last 12 months, U.S. unemployment has jumped by more than a percentage point as the nation weathered a deepening recession that has spread around the world.
Such techniques are increasingly popular because of a deepening understanding about how shoppers make choices.
They will issue a joint statement on deepening China-Greece all-round strategic partnership.
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is in Mumbai at the start of a visit aimed at deepening an emerging strategic partnership between the United States and India.
At the time, Finzi explained the results using the "facial feedback hypothesis" — a feedback loop in which people frown back at a depressed person, further deepening that person's sense of isolation.
当时,Finzi使用“面部反馈假说”解释结果 —— 患抑郁症皱的人习惯皱眉,人们看他这样也对他皱眉,这样一个反馈回路,进一步加深了这个人的孤立感。
AMID deepening economic gloom America's Federal Reserve begins a two-day meeting on Tuesday January 27th.
The work is part of a deepening relationship between the largest U.S. wireless carrier by subscribers and Google, which has carved out a space in mobile devices with its Android operating system.
With financial markets buffeted by renewed fears about the credit drought and a deepening housing slump, Mr Bernanke could hardly boast of the economy’s soundness.
随着金融市场受到新一轮信贷恐慌(原文很长,是fearsaboutthe creditdrought,直译便是担心信贷枯竭,但为了和后面压字数,且恐慌一般都是由于供应不足,因此直接译为信贷恐慌)与房价下跌(slump)的冲击(buffeted by),博南克再也无法炫耀美国的经济了。
But pragmatically, he could seek a compromise because he is anxious to heal a deepening rift with Washington.
He says deepening drought and a rise of Somali refugees in Kenya are putting greater pressure on that country.
Dear friend, I feel the silence of your great thoughts of many a deepening eventide on this beach when I listen to these waves.
When used effectively, they also may encourage participation in projects and idea sharing, thus deepening a company's pool of knowledge.
The two quickly become one during short, sketchlike scenes, some without synchronized sound, that are meant to suggest a deepening of feeling.
But if deflation is the result of a deepening economic slump, that's another thing entirely.
Less than two weeks in office, President Obama inherited a deepening recession that began more than a year ago.
And that, in turn, creates a foundation for deepening levels of trust.
But this year, there is an unusual air of expectancy amid the deepening chill - a mood borne by the prospect of windfall profits generated by the country's mining sector.
Analysts say the selling Monday was also a reaction to bleak U.S. economic Numbers announced late last week, which pointed to a deepening economic recession.
This comes on top of a deepening probe into possiblyinflated home-price appraisals by brokers and lenders, including WashingtonMutual and First American Corporation.
This comes on top of a deepening probe into possiblyinflated home-price appraisals by brokers and lenders, including WashingtonMutual and First American Corporation.