You can enter the number of seconds, the default button, the caption and the prompt.
If there are no input controls, the initial focus should be assigned to the default button.
To use the slider to set privacy level instead of using custom Settings, click the Default button.
Added new prompt on first run to select a default button image. Upgrade installs will not see this prompt.
Notifies a control that it is the default button so that its appearance and behavior is adjusted accordingly.
You can use other overloads of the Show method to include a caption, other buttons, an icon, or default button.
Clicking the Set default button will store the current tracking parameters and use them as defaults for newly created trackers.
It shows step 8 which is the summary of the wizard, with all default values, and the default button is the Finish button for running the actual task.
It shows step 12 which is the summary of the wizard, with all default values, and the default button is the Finish button for running the actual task.
To determine which parameters you need to change, take a look at the button definition in the default rendering shown in Figure 9.
If you copy text on a web page and then create a new TAB, the extension offer a button to click and search the copied term using the default search engine.
To change the location uncheck the Use Default check box, this will enable the browse button to specify the new location.
为了更改位置,您可以取消useDefaul t复选框的选择,这就可以激活浏览按钮以指定新的位置。
Then, select Default device target from the drop-down list, and click the load target button to load the required plugins for a device target.
然后从下拉列表中选择defaultDeviceTarget,并单击Load Target按钮来载入设备目标所需的插件。
Click the New button to create a default mapping model and give it an appropriate name.
When you click the Open button, the Desktop class invokes the system's default PDF viewer, as you can see in the following code.
Figure 12 shows the default host keypad displayed as a drop-down list with a Submit button.
You'll just replace its contents with the default contents, like if you did the Add Item button.
In this example, we work with the default host, so click the checkbox next to the default host entry, and then select the New button.
Select all components (default) and click the Next button.
When you click the Restore defaults button, all of the drop-down options will be set to default values. Click Next to advance to Verification wizard, which is shown in Figure 6.
Clicking the "Add" button will cause an edit view template to be created with a default scaffold implementation within the \ Views \ Products \ directory.
点击“添加”按钮会在\Views \Products \文件夹中生成一个编辑视图模板,内含默认的脚手架实现。
To set the default sort, click one of the selected columns and then click the default sort button as shown in Figure 16.
Of course, after you run the launcher once, it will be the default when you click the toolbar button.
If she opens the file for editing, it appears in the default project (which can be changed using the Browse button) using the file name shown.
You can use the Browse button to override this default and select a different profile version.
You can configure the service name and protocol for the default DB2 instance by clicking on the configure button.
通过单击Configure按钮,可以为默认DB 2实例配置服务名称和协议。
Clicking the Apply Defaults button will restore the default values and reverse the automatically applied stereotype.
On this screen, select the Use an existing server radio button and make sure that the Set server as project default box is checked.
在这个屏幕上,选择Usean existingserver单选按钮,并且确保Set serverasprojectdefault框被选中。
We are also able to check the status of the interfaces using MRLG by selecting the default, "router1," choosing the radio button "show interface," and clicking "Execute."
我们还可以用MRLG 来检查接口的状态,方法是:选择默认值,"router1",选中单选按钮 "showinterface",然后点击 "Execute"。
Based on the default URLs, the user is prompted to authenticate and proceed with the action according to the button selected.