In our example application, we will extend one of the default document definitions.
Bearing the characteristics of the default document model in mind, it is defined as.
In Figure 3, a default document taxonomy has been created on the Documents TAB of the Sales Team Space.
在图3中,SalesTeam Space的Documents选项卡中已经创建了默认文档分类。
If no custom document model is supplied as index parameter, Net Search Extender USES its default document model.
The default document definition describes a mapping between Dublin Core tags embedded in XML content to Dublin Core statements.
缺省文档定义描述了嵌入在XML内容中的DublinCore标记到Dublin Core语句的映射。
If you specify a default document compatibility mode using your web server, you can override that setting by specifying a different document compatibility mode in a specific webpage.
Schema validation adds default values for omitted attributes and empty elements on a document instance.
Site administrators can configure their sites to default to a specific document compatibility mode by defining a custom header for the site.
After-the-fact document modification: if the remote site changes the DTD, it can use default attribute values to inject new content into the document that wasn't originally present.
As with SAX, REXML gives the application programmer no default data structures from the XML document.
Listing 5 shows how to create a document at the root of the default library.
Write a small XML document that USES a default namespace and a qualified (prefixed) namespace. Include elements from both namespace.
As long as these items are configured for harvesting in the Default Configuration document and the user has not disabled detail harvesting, that data is returned to them.
The requirement type will be of the RequisitePro document type default requirement type.
In the sample code (line 5) I retrieve the (default) document factory used to build the document and store it in an instance variable (m_factory) for use by the modify method.
Listing 3a: Element defined in an HTML document with default.
Indeed, when the XML document USES the default namespace, the XPath expression must use a prefix even though the target document does not.
Document literal wrapped is the default binding style in Integration Developer.
As the name implies, you can use this method to normalize the document. By default, this method does the following.
Document editing is not available on Android by default.
In each case, use of the XML prefix means that they are in a namespace that is defined by default for every XML document.
By default, all the existing document types are available for each project, as shown in Figure 36.
It reads the default targets from a secondary input document and merges the results, giving preference to the local script during the merge process.
If the XML document can be modified, delete the default namespace.
If you follow that latter path, you will need to establish some design principles for determining the namespace that can be the default in a given document.
The default print styling of a browser will create a fairly readable document.
By default, only outgoing connections from the selected document are shown.
Per default, requests are only allowed to the server that produced the current document.
Therefore XSLT has a built-in tree walking engine that, by default, processes the entire document.
This utility takes three inputs -- a DAD file, the primary XML schema document, and the default SQL schema in which the tables reside.
该实用程序有三个输入 ——一个DAD文件、主XML模式文档和默认的SQL 模式(表就在该模式中)。