First up, add a background color, perhaps a background image, set default font color, style, and alignment, and do anything else you'd normally do with CSS.
This wildcard tells the Synth look and feel to give every component a default white Aharoni font. Listing 3 shows the complete XML code for setting the components' font and color.
These are the default variables for the position, text contents, and color, font size, fade-in and fade-out speed in milliseconds, and an array to hold the display string.
While we could have defined the background color, font color, and margins, we left this to the default Settings of the printing device.
Set default font, color, border, and opacity properties on the component.
You can create a default paragraph with your text and default Settings of font, color, size, and so on.
In the default template, the font name of MyriadPro, font size of 12pt, in black color is used for bookmark heading level 1 entries in the table of contents.
The Clock screen can be customized, by default the currently active Theme is used as background, and its normal text font color used for showing the time.
The Clock screen can be customized, by default the currently active Theme is used as background, and its normal text font color used for showing the time.