Signs of strain are everywhere. In September the Department of Education reported that in 2009 the default rate, which is defined as non-payment for 270 days, had reached 8.8%.
The other lodgers had moved away or had died, or had been turned out in default of payment.
In some cases universal default may apply: the high default rate is applied to a card in good standing by missing a payment on an unrelated account from the same provider.
The penalty clause entitled the plaintiff, in the event of default in payment, to extract a pound of flesh nearest the defendant's heart.
Securities that have priority ahead of all other unsecured or subordinated debt in ranking for payment in the event of default.
This fund is generated from borrowers' payment of a "credit rate" fee and is used to diversify risk in the form of a reimbursement to lenders in the event of a late payment or payment default.
Since then seven more defaults have followed, the most recent this week, when Argentina failed to make a payment on bonds issued as partial compensation to victims of the previous default, in 2001.
从那以后,又发生了七次债务违约。最近一次发生在本周,阿根廷无法偿付重组债券,导致了此次债务违约。 这些债券原本是作为对前一次2001年债务违约中受损投资人的部分补偿。 。
To protect the creditor, should default in payment be made by the debtor, security will often be required for the loan.
If you are the only one request for this domain, an order will be created in your account using your default marketplace payment method once we successfully catch the domain.
Should the Lessee be in default of rent payment within the said period, the Lessee agrees that this contract then becomes extinct without any notification.
Such liability can not fulfil the contract in light of the general default payment responsibility to pay.
Such liability can not fulfil the contract in light of the general default payment responsibility to pay.