The overall default rate is a mere 0.3%.
We have found it reduces the default rate and the emotional fallout.
That compares with a peak five-year default rate of 45% during the 1930s.
That translates into a default rate over the past 12 months of just 3.8%.
For example, the default rate limit for REST API calls is 150 requests per hour.
As the default rate for informal lending vehicles rises, deposits may return to the Banks.
This spring the default rate on American credit CARDS was a record 13%, according to Fitch.
It lends only to people with high credit scores, which allows it to maintain a low default rate.
The auto loan industry recently is experiencing an increasing default rate, which is almost 50%.
The default rate on FHA-insured mortgages was already running at 8.1% in August, up from 5.7% a year ago.
To give an idea of the scale, the default rate in 1933 was 15.4%; in the early 1990s recession, it reached 12%.
On a more typical recovery rate (around 40 cents on the dollar), the markets were pricing in a 69% default rate.
Although state borrowers default at a higher rate, the private school default rate is growing at a much faster pace.
The Steering Committee recommends mortgage lenders to specify the default rate of interest in the facility letter.
As a result, the default rate has been very low.Traditionally, low default rates have been associated with low spreads.
In the first case, we get the local default rate and the limit of credit spreads of zero-coupon bonds at time zero.
As a result, the default rate has been very low. Traditionally, low default rates have been associated with low spreads.
Timing of defaults - as opposed to a flat absolute default rate - can either negatively or positively effect returns.
That default rate has been very low over the past three years, a big reason why corporate-bond spreads have been so narrow.
In order to assess this, we looked at the difference between the interest rate and default rate (as a proxy for profit).
The default rate is now 7%, up from 1.5% a year ago, and the rating agency predicts that it will reach 14.6% by the fourth quarter.
Zopa, which takes a stringent approach to credit assessment and will let only prime borrowers onto the site, boasts a default rate of just 0.1%.
The current default rate on American high-yield bonds is less than Capital is predicting a rate of 14.3% by the second half of 2009.
When the default rate increases, the worry of loss will make a larger and larger effect on the decision, and at last become the main factor.
The current default rate on American high-yield bonds is less than 4%. Barclays Capital is predicting a rate of 14.3% by the second half of 2009.
Earlier this week, the Department of Education reported that graduates of private schools had a 4% default rate in 2008, up from 3.7% in the previous year.
本周初,美国教育部(Department ofEducation)表示,2008年私立大学毕业生违约率为4%,2007年为3.7%。
Taking a macro view of this performance, there are some projections we can make about where the default rate is today and how it has changed over time.
The default rate, which measures the percentage of companies with "junk" credit ratings that failed to meet debt obligations, reached its peak in November 2009.
The default rate for CAP borrowers was only a quarter what it was for subprime mortgage holders, even though the incomes and backgrounds of borrowers were similar.
The default rate for CAP borrowers was only a quarter what it was for subprime mortgage holders, even though the incomes and backgrounds of borrowers were similar.