The ants devour the defenceless larvae.
The bandits descended upon the defenceless village.
The cavalry charged down on the defenceless villagers.
After decades without infection, most of theworld's wheat crop was defenceless.
AIDS is a disease that leaves a person defenceless against infection and illnesses.
This was a defenceless man, an innocent victim. It has had devastating repercussions for his family.
The mass use of Tamiflu could leave Britain all but defenceless against swine flu, doctors have warned.
Because you felt, in your inmost soul, that it is wrong, that it is unjust to kill a defenceless and innocent being!
Scientists have found that viruses may sometimes remain inactive FOR years, but can quickly infect any defenceless cell.
That is why most companies are likely to remain relatively defenceless, and Kraft's bid for Cadbury will be but one of many in this coming era of hostility.
Without my team and the vital equipment they were pulling along in their sledges I was completely defenceless against the fatally low temperatures of Antarctica.
As soon as I remembered I was not defenceless, courage glowed again in my heart and I set my face resolutely for this man of the island and walked briskly towards him.
Although seemingly defenceless, it is capable of simply flinging itself from its perch, curling up into a ball and bouncing off boulders and down steep slopes to safety.
"It would have been a smorgasbord," said Head. "Hundreds or thousands of defenceless baby sauropods could have supported an ecosystem of predators during the hatching season."
Once impregnable, they are now defenceless against the thousands of tourists who swarm here each year to relax on the plethora of beaches and marvel at the imposing fortresses.
Dom Cobb (Leonardo DiCaprio) is a dream snatcher. He's an industrial spy, who steals secrets when his victims are at their most defenceless: when they are asleep, and dreaming.
身为工业间谍的多姆·科布(Dom cobb:莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥饰)是一位掠梦者,他以窃密为生,当受害者们处在毫无防备的梦境之中时,他最好的下手时机就出现了。
Her advisers are working to persuade potential rebels that its rejection would leave Brazil defenceless in the face of global economic turmoil by making any fiscal retrenchment impossible.
Her advisers are working to persuade potential rebels that its rejection would leave Brazil defenceless in the face of global economic turmoil by making any fiscal retrenchment impossible.