Their "guilt" of having used a defense mechanism becomes relative.
Restriction enzymes occur in bacteria as part of a natural defense mechanism to guard against invading viruses.
Our body has a natural defense mechanism that is able to inactivate all these chemicals and make them harmless.
Thanks to its appearances on Japanese TV shows, it's now most popularly known for its shape-shifting defense mechanism.
Stubbornness is a defense mechanism that children adopt in order to escape their controlling parents' will.
However, when animal-based protein is eaten, this defense mechanism turns against us and converts these chemicals into carcinogen.
It's a defense mechanism of the Christmas tree worm, most of which resides in a tunnel it carves into live coral.
Once the defense mechanism is shut off, mRNA carrying the genes for cell reprogramming can be safely delivered.
If this happens, the healthy balance in white cells of Lymphocyte, Granulocyte and Macrophage breaks down, and our defense mechanism loses its ability to fight.
A defense mechanism in which there is an unconscious shift of emotions affect or desires from the original object to a more acceptable or immediate substitute.
Objective:To explore the correlation of life events and defense mechanism of depression patients with their sickness.
Similarly, psychological defense mechanism to explain to prevent or avoid an unconscious excitement of the technology.
The body's response to all this is to unleash a grand defense mechanism, using antioxidant molecules (good guys) against the free radicals (bad guys).
Since at least the 1980s, scientists have theorized that NDEs occur as a kind of physiological self-defense mechanism.
Stubbornness is a defense mechanism that children adopt in order to escape their controlling parents' will. The children will also likely grow up to inherit this trait.
Weird Fact: The Bombardier beetle shoots boiling liquid as a defense mechanism.
This makes sense Wiltgen said, because mice naturally avoid detection by predators by hunkering down motionless as a defense mechanism.
Researchers found that the stomach fluid of affected horses was highly acidic and suggested that windsucking is a defense mechanism that increases salivation.
Afterward the Lakers' youngest player shrugged it off with a casual nonchalance that used to be a defense mechanism.
Objective To explore the psychological defense mechanism and the sleep quality of patients with insomnia and their relationship.
Conclusion: Defense mechanism of college students in naval medicine is notably affected by personality and exerts influence on stress reaction.
'It can often be a defense mechanism subconsciously used to shield ourselves from the rejection of hearing "no" or a way to avoid the discomfort of feeling like we're asking for too much.
Objective:To investigate the defense mechanism and personality of college students in naval medicine and their relationships with the change of plasma adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) during voyage.
In this review, we described mammalian antimicrobial peptides with respect to their properties, gene expression, their roles in host defense, mechanism of destroy bacteria, future research paradigms.
Conclusion the anxiety patients make excessive use of the immature defense mechanism and neurotic defense, which effect quality of life and mental health.
The hagfish, unfortunately, sometimes falls prey to its own defense mechanism, but normally it twists itself into knots to escape the gelatinous goop.
As for the woman, this process of screening by looks and body language is a self-defense mechanism.
This paper explains the nature, source, classification and defense mechanism of anxiety from classical psychoanalysis and new psychoanalysis, and makes a brief comment about them.
This paper explains the nature, source, classification and defense mechanism of anxiety from classical psychoanalysis and new psychoanalysis, and makes a brief comment about them.