A Defense Department spokesman briefed reporters.
The relay had closed on the poor creature, crushing it to death. The defense department didn't care about the loss of a moth.
The Internet had its origins in a 1969 U.S. Defense Department computer network called ARPAnet, which stood for Advanced Research Project Agency.
This latest order adds to a recent trend of the Defense Department ordering and using the unmanned systems in battle Settings.
It was called Arpanet, for Advanced Research Projects Agency Network, and was developed by scientists in the US Defense Department.
当时称其为阿帕网(Arpanet,取自高级研究计划署网络advance ResearchProjectsAgency net work),由美国国防部的科学家们研发而成。
The Defense Department has introduced a new pilot program that will give federal IT employees a chance to experience private-sector work.
Besides working with other U. s. Defense Department agencies, the RSJPO also works closely with university and industry research teams.
Earlier this month, a Defense Department agency asked GameStop, a chain of video-game stores, not to sell Medal of Honor on Army and Air Force bases.
Each command within the vast Defense Department apparatus is given a series of two-letter groupings that they can use for their operations’ two-word sobriquets.
Each command within the vast Defense Department apparatus is given a series of two-letter groupings that they can use for their operations' two-word sobriquets.
When two Stanford grads, Alexander Asseily and Hosain Rahman, approached the Defense Department with their noise-canceling technology, the military jumped on it.
因此,当斯坦福大学(Stanford)的两名毕业生亚历山大•阿塞利和候赛恩•拉赫曼带着降噪技术进入国防部(the Defense Department)时,国防部如获至宝。
Washington launched its first Predator drone strike on Saturday afternoon, Libya time, the US Defense Department said, without specifying the intended target.
The Defense Department is working on a major review of its space "posture" to be completed later this year, after a similar inter-agency effort for the White House.
The contract option for the shipboard communications system includes development, procurement and integration services and support, the Defense Department said.
Recently, the Defense Department revealed new details about a major cyber attack in 2008 that allowed hackers to transfer data to servers under foreign control.
The contract includes network operations and security, computer network defense, security life cycle management, and identity management, the Defense Department said.
The Joint Economic Committee, a bipartisan group of senators and members of the House of Representatives, used Defense Department figures for much of the report.
"U. S. Navy aircraft and ships routinely interact with Russian units in the area and most interactions are safe and professional," the U. S. Defense Department said.
Alliant Techsystems Inc. (ATK) will create a virtual space environment that will be used to test space hardware for the Defense Department under a $26.1 million contract.
Under the terms of the contract, SRA, of Fairfax, Va., will help various Air Force programs to improve employee and organizational performance, the Defense Department said.
Millions of Internet users have been logging onto the Web site to see the special program, which is made possible through private donations and Defense Department volunteers.
And I think the Defense Department was enamored with what they felt they’d accomplished in Afghanistan with a very small force of basically special-ops guys and the air force.
The US Defense Department has said at least 26 Afghan civilians were killed in a series of controversial airstrikes in May but acknowledged that the figure could be higher.
Now the Defense Department has notified Congress that the Navy will design the next generation of ballistic-missile submarines with the flexibility to accommodate female crew members.
Currently, the company supports several Defense Department programs, including as a prime contractor in the production of an air-launched small expendable unmanned aircraft system (UAS).
The company has been collaborating on the drug, called Ex-Rad, with scientists at a U. S. Defense Department research laboratory. Kumar says early animal trials have been promising.
The new plane, which the Defense Department had hoped to deliver to the White House by 2023, would have been more powerful, able to travel farther and more technologically advanced.
国防部希望订购的新飞机可以在2023年交付给白宫。 新飞机性能更强,能飞得更远,在技术上也更先进。
The new plane, which the Defense Department had hoped to deliver to the White House by 2023, would have been more powerful, able to travel farther and more technologically advanced.
国防部希望订购的新飞机可以在2023年交付给白宫。 新飞机性能更强,能飞得更远,在技术上也更先进。