Those who favour deferral point to Uruguay.
A deeper reduction, not deferral, is needed.
It also calls for the deferral of a share of bonuses.
Shouldn't deferral be a conscious decision rather than a rule?
Maximum deferral is 3 semester or 12 months, except in exceptional circumstances.
If the deferral is not granted, you may then accept the offer for the current year.
Work queues are a more recent deferral mechanism, added in the 2.5 Linux kernel version.
And you're taking advantage of the matching and the tax deferral that those all provide.
或许你想用你雇主的401 k计划,亦或许你想利用计划中提供的匹配资金和税收定存。
Work queues can have higher latency than tasklets but include a richer API for work deferral.
The arrangement can help customers take advantage of lawful federal income tax deferral rules.
Even implementing the interest - deferral scheme for homeowners has proved inconveniently tricky.
Overall, firms estimate that these deferral arrangements could save them $25, 000 to $85, 000 per employee.
I also explore the kernel list API, which timers and other work deferral mechanisms (such as work queues) use.
These can be issued to minimise a tax liability, but could also be used in place of shares as part of a deferral arrangements.
Deferral If a student wishes to defer enrolment until a later semester SIBT will hold the fees paid until commencement, without penalty.
Work is represented by a work_struct structure, which identifies the work to be deferred and the deferral function to use (see Figure 3).
任务由结构体 work_struct 来说明, 用来鉴别哪些任务被延迟以及使用哪个延迟函数(参见图3)。
Arafat, as anyone who dealt with him knows well, moved only when compelled, preferring the ambiguity of deferral to the clarity of choice.
The difference of tax systems in relation to underwriting income from non-life insurance companies arises from the degree of the deferral of tax.
Thanks to the benefits of tax-deferral and automatic savings, you're likely to find your account balance growing faster than you previously thought possible.
Mr Musyoka also claims backing from Nigeria, South Africa and Gabon, which sit on the UN Security Council (but have no veto and thus cannot influence a deferral).
Use a network analyzer to identify bottlenecks in the loading of scripts and other page assets; this helps determine where script deferral or profiling may be needed.
There may also be a possibility of payment deferral and the option of clawing payments back should decisions by bankers prove to have been excessively risky or erroneous.
However, deferral could lead to cancellation, McCurdy warns. "as soon as you loosen the 2020 deadline, you basically say we'll do it someday but we don't know when," he says.
It's a difference, or differance, that comes into being precisely in writing, and it's only in writing that we suddenly grasp the twofold nature of differance as difference and deferral.
When tax rate was changed, deferral tax was adjusted at once and had future meaning. At all periods between produce and transfer, liability method accorded with matching principle better.
When tax rate was changed, deferral tax was adjusted at once and had future meaning. At all periods between produce and transfer, liability method accorded with matching principle better.