Thanks to its ongoing stimulus spending, which it is not proposing to trim, Germany's underlying budget deficit is forecast to rise this year.
About 85 cents of every dollar of deficit reduction was achieved with spending cuts.
These failures caused the stimulus enacted in February 2009 to be botched in both in its design and its administration, resulting in the discrediting of deficit spending as a response to depression.
They express both concern about the deficit and support for spending that helps save or create jobs.
Some deficit spending will counteract export losses in the short term.
So, short of debt default or implicit default via inflation, that leaves two other ways of closing the deficit. Spending must be cut or taxpayers must pay more.
Mr McCain and Mr Obama both plan to reduce the deficit through spending cuts, but are short on details.
Both parties want to put the burden of deficit cutting on lower spending rather than higher taxes.
We can argue about whether the ends justify the means (i.e. deficit spending) but the public can grasp the need for such a mechanism.
Consumer spending is up and the trade deficit is down.
The Panglossian view is that if the fiscal deficit were reduced, domestic private spending and the external balance would adjust automatically.
Many voters tell pollsters that higher taxes are not the way to fix Britain's deficit—but neither are spending cuts.
But we're getting up to almost 10 percent of deficit spending already.
There are two ways of cutting a deficit: raising taxes or reducing spending.
But by the time he left office, his profligate combination of serial tax cuts and unrestrained spending guaranteed the deficit would again loom over his successor.
So the inflexibility of the euro, not deficit spending, lies at the heart of the crisis.
Gordon Brown now makes the case for an activist state, even though his legacy is unaffordable public spending and a record deficit.
Those measures together would add perhaps 0.5% of GDP to the deficit, partly offsetting the squeeze on current spending.
And the U.S. needs to either halt its runaway deficit spending so that the world is not even more flooded with our debt, or swallow its pride and issue Treasurys denominated in Chinese currency.
Keynesian macroeconomics argues for deficit spending.
By comparison, the rate is more than 40% in China, which finances much of America's deficit spending.
Despite many New Deal programs, "fiscal policy" -in effect, deficit spending-was used only modestly in the 1930s, Romer argued.
To make matters worse, Mr. Moec said, Britain is facing a wave of deficit spending, as tax receipts fall and the costs of unemployment benefits and other services rise.
U.S. Stocks Advance on G-20 Deficit Pledge, Consumer spending.
美股小幅高开,G 20峰会承诺削减赤字,消费支出增长。
Washington’s deficit (the difference between spending and income from taxes) will reach a vertiginous $1.6 trillion this
While the parties have shifted their attention toward deficit reduction and spending cuts, it is essential that the nation does not lose sight of these much more fundamental problems.
If taxes are raised to reduce the deficit, won't they merely fuel more spending in the future?
We have seen the conversation shift from that of job creation and economic recovery to that of spending cuts and the deficit.
There are three main ways that a state can close a deficit: raid reserves, raise taxes or cut spending.
There are three main ways that a state can close a deficit: raid reserves, raise taxes or cut spending.