As far as love of ideals, love of things and love of persons, I guess it's just my definition of love...
But if you understand the definition of love, you will not feel guilty anymore if you've been wrongfullly accused.
Let us read the definition of love from the Amplified Bible as this will help us further understand how to love our enemies.
Many classical love stories make a clear definition of love: love is a sacrifice for each other. However, it is just endowed with a perfect sense, how many people could achieve that?
As such, Revenge: A Love Story fits the definition of a ‘difficult film’ in that it is difficult to watch, difficult to unreservedly recommend, yet also difficult to shake off.
And a good deal of my life goes into that kind of approach rather than any kind of cut and dry definition of what love is. Is this relevant or have I been carried away?
My definition of success is doing what you love. I feel many people do things because they feel they have to, and are hesitant to risk following their passion.
A definition paper discusses abstract terms such as liberty, equality, beauty, love, hate, etc., the denotative and especially connotative meanings of which are open to various interpretations.
Dating back to ancient days, human beings are seeking true love and everyone has tried to give a definition of true love, but none can convey its implication point for point.
In fact, we may be more aware of, in the world of love, we are unable to find the right and wrong, and the definition of non, in fact, he is not the so-called right and wrong, is not so simple.
Did I mention that my personal 2 heartfelt definition of the word "elephant" includes mystery, order, goodness, love and a spare tire?
The first part illustrates the connotations of love education in Chinese teaching, including the definition of works on love.
Sun Media Group's first high definition film production —Love Finally, developed in October of 2010, was a special production designed especially for online viewers.
Sun Media Group's first high definition film production —Love Finally, developed in October of 2010, was a special production designed especially for online viewers.