When the hue difference increased, the magnitude of color shift in test target decreased, but the deflection Angle of color shift vector from constant hue line increased.
There is a factor which depends on the breaking scale in the formula of deflection Angle of timelike and spacelike test particles in the D-stars.
The Angle deflection, buckling stress of insulator, horizontal load and vertical load were recorded. The mechanical failing load test was performed on buckling insulator.
This paper analyzes the influence on the pivot point and deflection angle from the pendulum shaft's deformation in course of the test.
There is a factor which depends on the breaking scale in the formula of angle of deflection of timelike and spacelike test particles in this kind of cold stars .
By the deflection test, the deflection produced by the deformation of joint field can be gained, accordingly, the change in the included Angle that the beam axis relative tot...
The thrust characteristics of axis symmetry nozzle were mainly measured in test. For the nozzle having a vectoring angle, the deflection efficiency was measured too.
The thrust characteristics of axis symmetry nozzle were mainly measured in test. For the nozzle having a vectoring angle, the deflection efficiency was measured too.