Drum drying of high degree of mechanization, a larger production capacity, continuous operation.
In order to improve the automation degree of mechanization, in 1845, the American fitch invention turret lathe.
Coking project with the uniform heating, a high degree of mechanization, environmental protection facilities and to increase the yield and quality advantages.
High degree of mechanization of Pavement process contains operating procedures, consistent action, can accurately grasp by calculating the time and quality control.
The use of good deer Sweeper sanitation work is to improve the degree of mechanization, is a city of sanitation, and civilized cities, urban environmental protection, tourism city needs.
Abstract: with the mine production mechanization degree unceasing enhancement, as a traditional method of coal blasting fall coal mining machinery has gradually be replaced.
Squeeze casting is an advanced liquid formation technique for machine parts, and has the advantages of high adaptability, high efficiency, high mechanization degree and good work condition.
It proves that the mentioned methods have advantages of fast construction speed, high mechanization degree and obvious economical effect.
In other words, growing scale, meteorological factors, the degree of agricultural mechanization are the most important factors affecting cotton production in Xinjiang.
In other words, growing scale, meteorological factors, the degree of agricultural mechanization are the most important factors affecting cotton production in Xinjiang.