Others are dehulling rice, making compost.
The equipment design and advertent questions in soybean cold dehulling technique were introduced.
It is obtained high protein soybean meal and increased the capacity of extractor from soybean dehulling.
Soybean kernel and hull is separated with soybean cold dehulling technique to meet the requirement of ALCON conditioning technique.
In the soybean processing industry, dehulled soybean meal with hi-protein content can be obtained by adding dehulling system in the pre-processing.
Specialized dehulling device for camellia oleosa seed was manufactured with a dehulling rate of 98.5%. Oil produced from dehulled camellia oleosa seed meet the national standard GB11765-1989.
研究建立了与现有预榨浸出工艺配套的油茶籽脱壳设备,油茶籽的脱壳率在98 5%以上,所生产的产品茶籽油符合国家茶籽油标准GB11765-1989。
The result of this technology indicated that the dehulling process has low process cost, and the cake products made from decorticated rapeseed have high protein content than undecorticated rapeseed.
The result of this technology indicated that the dehulling process has low process cost, and the cake products made from decorticated rapeseed have high protein content than undecorticated rapeseed.