Through the test and comparison of ethylene cracking of hydrogenated delayed coking gasoline and regular grade straight-run gasoline, it is showed that the former can be used as ethylene stock.
On the basis of analysis of the process mechanism, the model for soft measurement of the dry-point of crude gasoline delayed coking is established by using PLS-RBFN parallel method.
在分析工艺机理的基础上,用PLS- RBFN并联方法建立延迟焦化粗汽油干点软测量模型。
On the basis of analysis of the process mechanism, the model for soft measurement of the dry-point of crude gasoline delayed coking is established by using PLS-RBFN parallel method.
在分析工艺机理的基础上,用PLS- RBFN并联方法建立延迟焦化粗汽油干点软测量模型。