But, because XFS delayed its allocation decision, it was able to write the data in one fell swoop, improving write performance as well as reducing overall filesystem fragmentation.
If the data and models prove to be solid, physicians could soon be able to detect when a patient is at high risk of delayed ischemia.
According to Hill, their data suggest that the start ofSolar Cycle 25 may be delayed until 2022—about two years late—or the cycle maysimply not happen.
If XFS hadn't delayed its allocation decision, it may have unknowingly written the data into multiple non-contiguous chunks, reducing write performance significantly.
Physicians in the Neuro-ICU believe indicators of delayed ischemia appear somewhere in 200 treatment-related data points 24 to 48 hours before the complication's devastating arrival.
This not only delayed the availability of data that was rolled-in, it also consumed large amount of active log space.
Batch bottlenecks and conflicting data delayed orders and shipments.
Data is often delayed by many months or incomplete and projections can prove wide off the mark.
A slow or delayed response could lead to a large pool of computers being compromised and the potential data loss or impact on the affected network infrastructure could be unquantifiable.
And it was not lost on the University of Washington researchers that exposing dog lovers to the idea that aging could be delayed might generate popular support in addition to new data.
The data for both groups were pooled to evaluate risk factors for delayed extubation.
The RDE and MRDE algorithm employ the method of random delayed computing, and MRDE algorithm has masking operation. The MRRE algorithm combines data masking and random recoding techniques.
Methods Image data of plain spiral ct, enhanced ct, and delayed enhanced ct scans in 86 cases of renal trauma were retrospectively analyzed.
Image data of plain spiral ct, enhanced ct, and delayed enhanced ct scans in 50 cases of renal injuries were retrospectively analyzed.
Methods: To analyses the clinical data of incidence time, treatment time, and the delayed treating causes on the 154 cases of brain infarction in this locality.
Methods: the clinical data of 36 infants with delayed vitamin K deficiency who had been admitted to paediatric ward in our hospital during the last 4 years were analyzed retrospectively.
Statistical data is an important work of data assembling and polishing. There are many problems such as false figures, delayed information and lack of analysis in the data quality.
Methods The clinical data of 30 cases of delayed polyneuropathy induced by organophosphorus poisoning were retrospectively reviewed and analyzed.
We're sorry, some data in this report is delayed, please try again later. There's no impact on ad serving or payments.
Methods The clinical data of 41 cases of delayed traumatic intracerebral hematoma were analyzed retrospectively.
Methods The clinical data of 42 patients with delayed cerebral vasospasm induced by SAH were analyzed retrospectively.
Methods: Retrospectively analyzed the data of 18 cases with delayed diabetes insipidus after traumatic brain injury.
Methods The clinical data from 18 cases of functional delayed gastric emptying after abdominal operation during the past 12 years was analyzed retrospectively.
Moreover, if the accuracy of the E-BOM data is insured until in the P5 stage, in which the design will be finished, the work of the next department will be affected and the program may be delayed.
Method: After intraocular lens implantation, the clinical data and results with regard to delayed uveitis of 43 cases were analyzed.
方法 :回顾性分析 43例人工晶体植入术后迟发性葡萄膜炎的临床资料和随访结果。
In this paper, we study the information fusion algorithm of multi-sensor time-delayed systems with measurement data loss.
In this paper, we study the information fusion algorithm of multi-sensor time-delayed systems with measurement data loss.