Rules made beyond the powers given are void because they are not made under the direct or delegated power of Parliament.
Delegated legislation can, however, be challenged in the courts on the ground that it is ultra vires, i. e. that the party to whom the power to make laws has been given has acted beyond his powers.
It may, however, be derived indirectly from the state through an agency to which the power has been clearly and validly delegated.
The Court was also willing to assume that this power could be delegated to an agency-but only under limited conditions.
Such Committees shall report to the Board of Directors and operate under the authority and power delegated to them by the Board of Directors and these Bylaws.
Although often described as federal organizations, these leagues actually were confederacies that delegated little power to central authority.
Although often described as federal organizations, these leagues actually were confederacies that delegated little power to central authority.