Ottawa and Washington have to find a delicate balance between the free flow of commerce and legitimate security concerns.
Mufasa: Simba, everything you see exists together in a delicate balance.
Riding upwind requires finding a delicate balance between direction and speed.
And any institutional wrangling over Europe can only upset the coalition's delicate balance.
The result is a delicate balance between the slat wall enclosure and the swaying trees.
In meditation, as in all arts, there has to be a delicate balance between relaxation and alertness.
If the park's delicate balance ever fails, the world will lose a treasure far out of proportion to its size.
It is only when we can maintain this delicate balance that we are living life to its greatest potential.
It suggests climate change could tip the planet's delicate balance and unleash a host of geological disasters.
Consider the delicate balance of a team's commitment to offense or defense in terms of risk versus reward.
To accomplish this delicate balance the Agile Team Lead and the Project Manager need to have a very good working relationship.
Many fear the delicate balance will be tipped in the future as more bears arrive and become used to interacting with humans
Interviewer: I understand it's quite a delicate balance. And I'm very happy to see that you understand this too - you are hired!
But the survival of the tundra depends on how carefully people maintain the delicate balance of nature in this environment.
The JAD sessions required a delicate balance between protecting scope and schedule and encouraging feedback and enhancement ideas.
They are racing to deliver fresh fish to market, and yet they remain, as far as many Japanese see it, in delicate balance with nature.
There is a delicate balance here between premature optimization and applying fixes across the board based on a list of best practices.
During the last few years men have become aware of the fact that in the nature a most delicate balance exists between all beings.
It is a delicate balance but when done sincerely it can help to maintain the balance that you created by implementing the previous points.
It can be a delicate balance to build up the emotional strength to handle the ups and downs of your work without shutting yourself down.
I didn't know it. But I was destined to be your momma. I did the best I could. Everything you see exists together in a delicate balance.
But because finding the right mix of charges is so crucial to a successful two-sided business, regulating prices could upset a delicate balance.
The key to living in a city and peacefully co-existing as a social animal in tight quarters is to set a delicate balance of seeing and not seeing.
The sharp contrast between the various elements of this scheme and their juxtaposition represents the duality of life and its delicate balance.
By portraying failures as well as success, he captures the essence of human experience and creates a delicate balance between tragedy and comedy.
Although my work appears very simple in style, I focus on small details and understated decoration which I hope also reflects that delicate balance.
Although my work appears very simple in style, I focus on small details and understated decoration which I hope also reflects that delicate balance.