Methods to disassemble the simple correlation coefficient between delivery expense and it's affecting factors with path analysis.
Value delivery focuses on how the value of IT can be proved through results like profitability, expense reduction, error reduction, improved company image, branding, and so on.
The Buyer may refuse delivery of Goods not so delivered, or may at it's option arrange for delivery to the delivery point at the expense and risk of the Seller.
The seller must provide the buyer at the seller's expense with the usual proof of delivery of the goods in accordance with A4.
Delivery, including any taxes, duties or charges payable, shall be at the expense of the Licensee, who agrees to accept responsibility for any damage or loss during transportation.
Payment and Expense Reimbursement. The total fees must be paid prior to the delivery of Learning Services, notwithstanding any contrary term set forth in Schedule I.
The seller must contract at his own expense for the carriage of the goods to the named point, if any, at the place of delivery at the frontier.
Should the delivery be delayed for reasons caused by the purchaser and storage be required, the goods will be stored at the purchaser's risk and expense.
The buyer must contract at its own expense for the carriage of the goods from the named place of delivery, except when the contract of carriage is made by the seller as provided for in A3 a.
买方必须自付费用订立自指定的地点运输货物的合同,卖方按照a 3 a订立了运输合同时除外。
Notice that the estimated residual value of the delivery truck does not enter into the computation of depreciation expense until the very end.
As you can see, this assumes delivery anywhere within the metropolitan area. if we go outside the area, we have to use a different transportation company and the expense may increase dramatically.
The Seller has the duty to inform the Buyer of the delivery time, delivery cost and related expense etc.
The Seller has the duty to inform the Buyer of the delivery time, delivery cost and related expense etc.