They labelled him as a demagogue.
The practices or rhetoric of a demagogue.
All this helped create the conditions that allowed a cynical demagogue to rise up and succeed him, one who will undo the achievements he most prizes.
Dispense with the doctor by being temperate; the lawyer by keeping out of debt; the demagogue, by voting for honest men; and poverty, by being industrious.
In my view they are mistaken, indeed quite dangerously wrong, and I can only hope that no young demagogue of genius and his friends are listening to them.
Do you know that the orange lodges agitated for repeal of the union twenty years before o 'connell did or before the prelates of your communion denounced him as a demagogue?
Do you know that the orange lodges agitated for repeal of the union twenty years before o 'connell did or before the prelates of your communion denounced him as a demagogue?