Clearly, one of the objectives is to demoralize the enemy troops in any way they can.
Rumors of impending sanctions can demoralize.
The Soviet Union believes that it can demoralize Western Europe and paralyze us.
Lofty goals often inspire business teams, while they often demoralize engineering teams.
It's almost as if it was made as thin as it is purely to demoralize would-be competitors.
If you wait to fire them, you'll run out of money, demoralize your top performers, and lose credibility.
They are difficult to understand and frustrate and demoralize those unlucky enough to have to work with them.
Setting the goals so high was his method of keeping us motivated, and unfortunately it worked to demoralize the team instead.
Torments ruin his talent while sufferings demoralize him. Though still alive as a man, he is dying or already dead as a writer.
" Her gossipy and unscrupulous manner, it said, showed "the shameless manipulation of the plot to demoralize the Venezuelan people.
That is what happens when you poison your growth through letting others diminish, marginalize and demoralize you from reaching your potential.
One reason for that is many “failures” are only temporary setbacks, and if you don’t let them scare you and demoralize you, they can be turned into wins.
Part pop psychology, part human-resources jargon, the term microinequities puts a name on all the indirect offenses that can demoralize a talented employee.
For we known that psychological operations could demoralize enemy's fighting aspiration via information attack, the media by which information can be transmitted are very important.
When Lee invaded the North, his hope was that he could get far enough in, win a great battle, demoralize the Northern will to fight, and then there would be pressure on Lincoln to stop the war.
Unlike her predecessors, she however refuses to let her boss's impossible demands demoralize her and tries to see the fashion world through Miranda's eyes, keeping her feet still firmly on the ground.
Unlike her predecessors, she however refuses to let her boss's impossible demands demoralize her and tries to see the fashion world through Miranda's eyes, keeping her feet still firmly on the ground.