disruptions, such as distributed denial-of-service attacks aimed at overloading or paralyzing a website;
Eleven percent involved scans, probes and attempted access and 0.1 percent were denial-of-service attacks.
This may be undesirable as it promotes denial-of-service attacks by feeding illegal requests to the application.
Probabilistic Packet Marking for IP Traceback was proposed to defend against distributed denial-of-service attacks.
This helps prevent malicious denial-of-service attacks that could cause the application to refuse requests because data storage is filled.
Availability is assured at the operating system level, allowing for transparent mitigation of active and passive network denial-of-service attacks.
One often-forgotten tool is to limit resources, both for storage and for processes. This can be especially useful for limiting denial-of-service attacks.
Despite the gradually improving ability to handle denial-of-service attacks, DDoS incidents persisted with increasing scale in the second half of the decade.
Not only you are risking your brand and precious customer (user) data, but common denial-of-service attacks alone can prevent a company from doing business at all.
The Web application USES a nonce (a unique string whose value is valid only for a short time) that is included in the POST as a way to guard against denial-of-service attacks.
Case in point: the South Ossetia War in which Russian hackers set up websites that enabled anyone sympathetic to their cause to launch denial-of-service attacks against Georgian targets.
One prevents network operators from blocking lawful traffic, subject to "reasonable network management" (an exception needed to ensure that spam or denial-of-service attacks can be stopped).
Under section 1030(a)(5) of the U.S. Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, it’s against the law to knowingly disseminate computer viruses, worms, denial-of-service attacks and other security intrusions.
Under section 1030(a)(5) of the U. S. Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, it's against the law to knowingly disseminate computer viruses, worms, denial-of-service attacks and other security intrusions.
Under section 1030 (a) (5) of the U. s. Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, it's against the law to knowingly disseminate computer viruses, worms, denial-of-service attacks and other security intrusions.
Not only does this conserve precious wireless bandwidth and reduce latency, it reduces the likelihood that crucial information will be intercepted or interrupted (e.g., by denial-of-service attacks).
Operators who had experienced denial of service attacks often said the incidents had at least some effect, from minor service interruptions to sustained damage and critical breakdowns.
Many other factors in the environment can affect performance, including network utilization, other programs on the server, denial of service attacks, and tripping over the power cord.
It did crash my browser a couple of times when I loaded malformed content, which makes it vulnerable to denial of service attacks, so I'm hesitant to recommend it for full production use.
The service must be implemented such that it can withstand denial of service attacks and hence remain highly available.
But with denial of service attacks, attackers don't need to gain access to a system.
In addition, the logging framework does not attempt to protect itself against denial of service attacks.
Denial of service attacks: Often, attackers target particular systems, breaking into them so they can be used for specific purposes.
Note that we will not be considering one other form of technical attack, Denial of Service (DoS) attacks.
请注意,我们没有考虑一种其他形式的技术攻击:拒绝服务(Denial of Service,DoS)攻击。
However, several Denial of Service (DoS) attacks can be executed by getting the parser to read a single document without requiring any additional connections.
Botnets are often used to perform distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks, which bring web servers down by overloading them with traffic, but this new line of attack is different.
僵尸网络通常被用于进行分布式拒绝服务(Distributed Denial of service,DDoS)攻击,其可以通过使其流量过载的方式使网络服务器瘫痪;但这种新的攻击与之不同。
Both types of entities might be used to create denial of service attacks or other malicious documents when used with a Web browser's rendering engine.
Be aware that one other form of technical attack is not considered here: denial of service (DoS) attacks.
请注意,这里没有考虑另一种技术攻击形式:拒绝服务(Denial of Service,DoS)攻击。
Prevent denial of service attacks: Using XKMS to get key information is useful if it is available when needed and within a reasonable amount of time.
防止服务的抵赖攻击(denial of service attack):使用XKMS来获取密钥信息比较有用,前提是XKMS在需要的时候可用,并且这一过程能在合理的时间内完成。
CloudFlare makes a cloud-based software program that purportedly helps protect websites from security violations such as malware and denial of service attacks.