In order to boost sales, managers of Jerrod's, Montalia's premier department store, are planning to purchase shopping carts and make them available to the store's customers next month.
为了促进销售,蒙特利亚首屈一指的百货公司Jerrod's 的经理们计划购买购物车,并于下月向顾客提供。
A department store has even opened a new lab, inviting customers on a journey into the store's windows to smell books, pots and drawers, in search of their perfect scent.
Spero is downscaling, shopping at middle-brow Dillard's department store near her suburban Cleveland home, instead of Neiman Marcus.
Department store buyers purchase the goods that their stores sell.
If Morganville wants to keep its central shopping district healthy, it should prevent the opening of a huge SaveAll discount department store on the outskirts of Morganville.
We had lunch, changed clothes, and spent the afternoons as customers in a department store.
In a big department store, there are numerous departments selling different kinds of goods.
Department store food floors are a fun and relatively cheap way to experience Japan's food culture, and foreign ones as well.
She wants to transform it from a successful department store into an elite one.
At every department store, the crowds were so big that there was plenty of pushing and shoving.
Almost every department store has a team of women who will size you up (for free) for specially engineered lingerie.
Sandra took a job at a nearby department store, and while money remained tight, both kids eventually graduated from high school and entered community college.
Or let's say a guy and a girl are out on their first date, and they're walking around in a large department store.
Marketing costs are higher than most brands expect and mall rental prices, department store commission rates and shop staff wages are all rising.
Crossing the channel to nineteenth-century Paris, Shteir tracks the rise of the department store and the pathologizing of shoplifting as kleptomania.
Along with manufacturing output, factory employment and department-store sales, they counted the number of freight wagons transported by rail.
My father is purchaser at a department store and my mother is a saleswoman at the same store.
I didn't go back to the department store for years after that.
A British department store is selling a special coffee, harvested from the dung of Indonesian jungle cats, for $100 a cup.
Provincials remembered Moscow for ice-cream sold in the state department store. Cream ice in a wafer cup - 15 kopecks, ice-cream - 19 kopecks.
Sales of cookie cutters, cake stands and “vintage-style cake tins” have shot up, according to John Lewis, a department store.
Can't you just imagine this elegant bag sitting in the window of an expensive department store?
My cousin Roy Clinton ran the Campbell-Bell Department Store on the northwest corner of the square.
Assume you've been asked by a department store to implement a secure register balance accounting system.
Grocery and department store "preferred shopper" CARDS have been widely accepted and used in exchange for relevant deals, discounts and information.
TD Lotte Shopping plans to open the first Chinese store in its flagship Lotte department-store chain in the first half of 2008.
Further calls for quiet were broadcast at Morrisons supermarket and at the town's department store.
Further calls for quiet were broadcast at Morrisons supermarket and at the town's department store.