Matthew Rushworth, of the Department of Experimental Psychology at the University of Oxford, sees this in his lab every day.
Luke Clark, from the Department of Experimental Psychology at the University of Cambridge, may have discovered one of the reasons why.
The new study, carried out in Karl Heinz-Bäuml's laboratory in the Department of Experimental Psychology at Regensburg University, builds on these initial findings.
这项新研究在Karl Heinz-Bäuml在雷根斯堡大学实验心理学系实验室进行,并建立了这些最初的研究结果。
The new study, carried out in Karl Heinz-Bäuml's laboratory in the Department of Experimental Psychology at Regensburg University, builds on these initial findings.
这项新研究在Karl Heinz-Bäuml在雷根斯堡大学实验心理学系实验室进行,并建立了这些最初的研究结果。