Price valid till 31mar 2010, based on departure date.
If your departure date is not in it, please contact us for other fares and schedules.
The validator checks that the user does not enter a departure date earlier than the arrival date.
Clients are first asked to fill out a survey detailing their departure date and holiday preferences.
Users must enter an arrival date and a departure date, and then schedule the tour during their visit.
STPC must be requested 7 days prior to departure date through pr Shanghai Office with all confirmed flight sectors.
Box 3: Complete the means of transport and route and specify the departure date, transport vehicle, port of discharge.
Announcing Mr Iger's New Deal and departure date sent investors a reassuring message: there will be continuity at the top.
Prepare key wallet, with roomnumber, rate and departure date. Explain use of elevators and room key and wisha pleasant stay.
Prepare key holder, with room number, rate and departure date. Explain use of elevators and room key and wish a pleasant stay.
We urge you to submit your visa application as early as possible, to ensure the best chance of meeting your intended departure date.
Box 4: Complete the means of transport and route and specify the departure date, transport vehicle No., port of loading and discharge.
New Year's day is the beginning of the blessing, the departure date is the beginning of the miss, my girl, ah, why are you full of shadow?
Box 4: Complete the means of transport and route and specify the departure date, transport vehicle No., port of loading and port of discharge.
If the configuration is correct, the next page of the application allows you to select a departure date and an origination airport, as shown in Figure 3.
Nor is securing parliamentary approval when the vote is taken in March, a couple of months before Mr Blair is expected to announce his departure date.
Queries on the trips, trips can be queried by the grid trips information, including: number, origin, destination, departure date, out of time, fares.
Our initial departure date jumped forward first by three days and then seemed to bounce around by 12-24 hours every time we called to check the latest news.
在登船前我们一直在与搭货船旅行的不确定性进行着斗争。 我们原定的出发日期提前了三天,接下来我们要不断地检查最新的消息。
Generally, airlines raise prices significantly during the two weeks prior to a flight departure date, because business travelers are forced to book last minute.
Good afternoon, Mr. …. I'm from the Executive floor reception. Sorry to disturb you but I would like to confirm your departure date. Will you be staying longer?
Tax shall not be refundable upon over 3 months difference between purchase date and departure date, or over 6 months difference between purchase date and refund date.
Also, notice the use of the JSP: include tag to include the CalendarServlet which displays the current month, day, and year, as well as a drop down box to select the departure date.
But Tim Stokes, a BoltBus spokesman, said that on your scheduled departure date, you can catch a bus leaving before (or even after) your ticketed time if there’s a seat available.
The employee enters information (such as the reason for travel, destination airport, and departure date) into the travel request portlet, and clicks the submit button to initiate the request.
员工将信息(例如,旅行的原因、目的地机场,以及启程日期)输入到旅行请求Portlet 中,然后单击提交按钮发出请求。
I first asked if they had a boat sailing from Chongqing on our desired date of departure.
W: Let me see, name, address, nationality, forwarding address, passport number, place of issue, signature and date of departure.
A few days later, concerned that nothing more had been said about arrangements for her pregnancy, she decided to put her due date and proposed departure into writing, and left an envelope on his desk.
Let me see... name, address, nationality, forwarding address, passport number, place of issue, signature and date of departure.
Let me see... name, address, nationality, forwarding address, passport number, place of issue, signature and date of departure.