At equilibrium, no user starts on the latest or earliest departure time.
If you don't confirm, the reservation will be cancelled 72 hours before the departure time.
If you don "t confirm, the reservation will be cancelled 72 hours before the departure time."
Nanjing airport is closed for ATC, the departure time is not sure, pay attention to the broadcast.
Your cancellation fee is 10% of the original fare because you ask for a refund 24 hours before the departure time.
Name change is allowed if the request is made outside of six (6) hours prior to the scheduled flight departure time.
"Cancellation" includes the cancellation of all or part of the beds, the change of the cruiser or the departure time.
At equilibrium, for any given number of commuters, the solutions to the latest and earliest departure time are unique.
Pick you up at hotel on departure time, beginning of the tour in Beijing Panda House where you can see the lovely Giant Pandas.
Finally Yeocheon eyes cured, Jianbin to the departure time, and Xiaohui Jianbin has finally learned not say the hidden secrets.
Such enterprises shall file and pay business tax before departure if the departure time is prior to the preceding paragraph time limit.
The most unsatisfactory factors to intercity railway are travel time and departure time, to automobile are passenger flight and insecure.
By setting up an arrival time satisfying interval, to research whether traveler will change or how change optimal departure time next trip.
The controller can carry on the departure time and spacing interval of the arrangement vehicle rationally sequentially, and examine the bus driver.
In addition, the model USES a non-parametric baseline hazard distribution which does not impose any apriori parametric form on the departure time distribution.
Train operation adjustment is to change the arrive-departure time at the station and running time at the interval to improve punctuality when a train is delayed.
In the models of dynamic traffic assignment, it is assumed that travelers cannot reduce their travel cost by unilaterally changing the departure time and route choices.
Thank you. The departure time of your flight is four o'clock p. m. , and you should be at the airport at last one and half hour prior to the departure time. Have a nice flight!
If your departure time is in a light type, you will need to change at the next station whose time is printed in heavy type, unless there is a footnote giving other instructions.
According to the regulation of CAAC, the departure time on your ticket refers to the time for closing cabin door, but not for taking off. There is about 15 minutes between them.
According to the regulation of CAAC, the departure time on your ticket refers to the time for closing cabin door, but not for taking off. There is about 15 minutes between them.