When considering the amount of insurance for the mother with dependent children, substitute child care is a need that should be planned for until the children can care for themselves.
You must complete this section with the details of each dependent child included in this application.
"Cub" or a small kangaroo pocket on dependent child care grow up until they can survive in the outside world.
The following family members can be included in your application: your spouse your dependent child other dependent relatives.
The way a business process instance or a human task instance executes, either as peer or as a dependent child, determines how it is deleted after its execution has completed.
For required child nodes ({1.. 1}, {1.. n}) or dependent nodes, a navigation action is added that targets the creation page of the child node.
对于所需的子节点({1. . 1}、{1 . .n})或依赖节点,添加针对子节点创建页面的导航操作。
Objective To examine mutations in NPHS2 gene in a Chinese child with steroid-dependent nephrotic syndrome (SDNS).
"The child is a dependent of a U. S. Army Service member deploying to Iraq," the CDC said in a statement.
Nearly every human culture teaches its progeny that acceptance is dependent on submission to its forms and customs, so that a child quickly discovers that it is basically unacceptable.
There is a high rate of cerebral palsy, and ventriculoperitoneal shunt surgery makes the child permanently dependent on the valve and catheter system.
The dependent relationship of features is described by parent-child operator structure. The feature shape and location can be modified by design parameters.
The assembly relationship and parts of the die and mould are described by feature. The dependent relationship of features is described by parent-child operator structure.
The behavior of the child window is not dependent on the behavior of the parent window; either window can cover the other, or be minimized, maximized, and restored independently of the other.
The behavior of the child window is not dependent on the behavior of the parent window; either window can cover the other, or be minimized, maximized, and restored independently of the other.