There are 416 institutions on the problem list of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC).
IndyMac's recent collapse is the latest call on the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC).
The failure of the 4 banks will cost the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp's deposit insurance fund $698.4m.
Deposit insurance is a standard antidote to bank runs and is typically financed by a levy on deposit-takers.
The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) reckons this year's tally will exceed the 2009 total of 140 banks.
We had deposit insurance starting in The Great Depression and that's been very important; it's now in every country.
In exchange for the stability provided by deposit insurance and the central bank, Banks submit to regulatory oversight.
Last year's winner was Merkel, followed by Sheila Bair, chairman of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.Obama ranked No. 40.
Such a system already exists for American banks that are regulated by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC).
Last year's winner was Merkel, followed by Sheila Bair, chairman of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. Obama ranked No. 40.
Though the numbers are high, most banks being seized these days by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) are tiny.
To win approval in the Senate on October 1st, the bill was amended to increase the limits on federal deposit insurance (see article).
The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation has its eye on 552 problem Banks, many of them stuffed with rotten commercial-property loans.
I think that deposit insurance is very important but we didn't have anything for corresponding accounts at brokerage services until 1970.
America's Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation struck a deal to sell what's left of IndyMac, a Californian bank which collapsed last summer.
This has worried some regulators, particularly the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), which underwrites America's deposit insurance.
It is rumoured that the offer was delayed because of growing unease at the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, a regulator, with Citi's management.
America's Federal deposit insurance Corporation proposed a novel solution for rebuilding its deposit insurance fund, depleted after a spate of seizures.
The Federal deposit Insurance Corp. is drawing up a plan to raise the premiums it charges Banks so that it can rebuild the fund it USES to back deposits.
America's Federal deposit insurance Corporation proposed a novel solution for rebuilding its deposit-insurance fund, depleted after a spate of seizures.
The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, which steps in and covers deposits up to$100,000 when lenders go belly-up, is nervously watching its fund shrink.
The vast expansion of Fed lending, Treasury capital injections into Banks and Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation bank-debt guarantees are producing results.
If CIT can persuade the judge to approve its plan, its fate will then rest with its regulators, including the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC).
The Federal Deposit Insurance Corp, which guarantees bank deposits in America, reckons over 1.5m households will eventually be unable to meet their mortgage payments.
Followed shortly, on Sept. 25, 2008, JPMorgan Chase acquired WaMu's banking operations from the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. WaMu had 2, 200 branches and nearly 5, 000 ATMs.
此后不久,摩根大通于2008年9月25日从联邦存款保险公司收购了华盛顿互惠银行(WaMu)。 华盛顿互惠银行(WaMu)有2 200个分行和将近5 000台自动取款机。
Latest figures from America’s Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) suggest that banks’ loan balances fell by 2.8% between July and September, the biggest drop on record.
Latest figures from America’s Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) suggest that banks’ loan balances fell by 2.8% between July and September, the biggest drop on record.