They have never worried about the soaring price of cabbage but when they fail to cash deposit money they are more anxious than housewives.
More and more of these credit cards can be read automatically, making it possible to withdraw or deposit money in scattered locations, whether or not the local branch bank is open.
The bank must beprepared to convert deposit money into currency for those depositors whorequest currency.
You deposit money into a checking account and then write checks when you need to pay for something or get cash.
One recent upgrade allows iPhone users to deposit money in their PayPal accounts by photographing a personal check.
One exception: You should both deposit money into a joint account you use for household expenses, such as rent and utilities.
On the contrary, if Mr. Dai cannot complete the agreement, then he is responsible to pay Mr. Roberts double the deposit money.
A popular use is to deposit money before making a long journey and then withdraw it at the other end, which is safer than carrying lots of cash.
When people deposit money in a savings account, it earns interest. They can withdraw their savings any time, unless it is a special notice account.
The artist USES this unique metaphor in order to endow us with the concept that, to habitually exercises is like to deposit money bit by bit in the bank.
Many other students have received similar rejection reasons from the Italian Embassy even though their deposit money is much greater than the requirement.
A final section deals with some of the elements that modify, at least in the short run, the simple mechanical relationship between bank reserves and deposit money.
You must sign an agreement and deposit money into a safe bank account or account with the immigration company to show that you have the funds to pay the service fee.
OUTCOME: the court reversed the judgment which granted the county sheriff permission to deposit money that was found by the individuals into the sheriff's training fund.
More and more of these credit CARDS can be read automatically making it possible to withdraw or deposit money in scattered locations whether or not the local branch bank is open.
More and more of these credit CARDS can be used automatically, making it possible to withdraw or deposit money in scattered locations, whether or not the local branch bank is open.
Unfortunately, however, this legal development did not occur in the vitally important field of warehouses for money, or deposit banking.
On balance, low deposit rates encourage people to withdraw money from Banks and spend more.
Don't just sock away this money under your mattress; put it in a high-interest online savings account, a certificate of deposit or a money market account.
In the countryside, no single person has that much money on hand, plus the hospital won't treat you if you don't have enough money for the deposit.
The money that people deposit in their current accounts is itself a loan to the bank, which USES it to provide credit to other households and companies.
Customers swipe their savings card on the phone and hand their deposit to the agent who pockets the money.
A time deposit is money given to a (banking) institution that earns interest but cannot be withdrawn except after giving notice for a defined period of time (usually 90 days).
While cash was king for much of 2007, yields on instruments such as money-market accounts and certificates of deposit have dropped along with short-term interest rates.
Much of that came after the Treasury and the Federal deposit insurance Corp. guaranteed assets in money-market funds last September and expanded deposit-insurance limits for Banks.
Much of that came after the Treasury and the Federal deposit insurance Corp. guaranteed assets in money-market funds last September and expanded deposit-insurance limits for Banks.