More and more of these credit cards can be read automatically, making it possible to withdraw or deposit money in scattered locations, whether or not the local branch bank is open.
The benchmark deposit rate, at 3.87%, is below the rate of inflation — meaning households are effectively losing money on bank savings.
A final section deals with some of the elements that modify, at least in the short run, the simple mechanical relationship between bank reserves and deposit money.
The money that people deposit in their current accounts is itself a loan to the bank, which USES it to provide credit to other households and companies.
Nor the number of times the same amount of money in a bank may be checked against, if I pay you back with a check and you deposit it in the same bank and draw against it again.
The bank must beprepared to convert deposit money into currency for those depositors whorequest currency.
The money to buy foreign bonds has come from the reserves required that commercial banks must deposit with the central bank.
I have contacted you to assist in repatriating the money and property left behind by my client before they get confiscated or declared unserviceable by the Bank where this huge deposit was lodged.
Credit card at which local people, foreigners, can apply for a bank deposit, the more money, the higher level.
Internet money funds offer yields of around 6 per cent per year, almost twice the average interest paid on a one-year bank deposit.
You must sign an agreement and deposit money into a safe bank account or account with the immigration company to show that you have the funds to pay the service fee.
Then, I will buy a new house which is more comfortable and deposit some money in the bank to keep it safe and in the meantime, I can use it when emergency happens.
Marvin? Can I depend on you to deposit this money in the bank before it closes?
On the one hand, bank deposit and lending rates, bank reserve ratio has continuously dropped, increasing money supply to stimulate the economy more and more clear policy intent.
Ms. Xia is trying to open a new account, clear an old account, and deposit some money at a bank.
Bank deposit slips are helpful, but they often show very large sums but do not show where the money has come from.
The single bank can create money in non-monopoly market, but it's only a part of deposit creation system.
In addition to cash, the bid deposit may be provided in the form of a bank letter of guarantee issued by a bank, certified cheque, bank draft or money order.
Passbook and code number are required when you want to deposit or withdraw money in a bank.
ACH Direct Deposit: This is an electronic money transfer to a bank account in the United States.
The lowest deposit rate set by the central bank ACTS as a floor for short-term interest rates in money markets and for borrowing rates generally.
If my parents deposit New Year's money in the bank, I will spend in college when it as my living expenses.
If my parents deposit New Year's money in the bank, I will spend in college when it as my living expenses.